Nice fight. Just a couple of things I noticed:
I saw you try to grab after PP and P. That was good, but you also have to watch your opponent if you are going to do things like that. To be frank your opponent liked to press buttons when he really shouldn't have been. Against people like that you should go into PP6PK or PPP so you can stun them and start a combo. Don't always try to go for a grab after P or PP. You have to condition your opponent to block first. Open the fight up with PPP / PPPP or PP6PK, with a couple of 6PK's then once you teach your opponent to block you can start doing things like P grab or PP grab.
6PKK is unsafe. You are lucky he chose to stop blocking after the first two hits but you won't get away with that against more experienced players. They would block the third hit and throw punish you.
1PP is also unsafe on block. Once again you are lucky because he attempted to throw punish you but he either used a slow throw or was shafted by lag. If he chose to attack instead of throwing you he would have beat you to the punch because Kasumi is at -10 when they block 1PP. so your fast 9 frame jab is coming out in 19 frames instead, which is a slow speed. You should never be attacking after they block 1PP or 4PP.
9PK is a nice move but you shouldn't use it if you are trying to use a ranged attack. All of Kasumi's range options are terrible. Instead use 3P+K T or 3P+K P or just 3P+K by itself if you want to close in on your opponent. All of those are better, safer options.
Aside from those things you played alot better than when I first faced you. Back then you were wild and all over the place. Here you actually blocked when you were supposed to. It was a good improvement.