Yeah getting 2T is important. Just make sure that you practice the timing so your opponent can't break the throw. And when using 6PP to end combos, as I stated before, make sure to run and use 2T if the opponent doesn't tech roll.
I think I'll be using the latter. it seems a must to be able to get that 2t, PPP down perfectly, everything she has pretty much leads into into in some form and you're losing a lot of damage if you aren't using it
Great matches.

I honestly wouldn't rely on 7PP(H)P+K6P in the juggle since sometimes it will not connect. Hence why I never do it in a juggle. Her best launchers are 8k, 6H+K, and 33p. To juggle with use p6pp, or 3pp. You can set up some 2T stuff as well after p6pp. Use P+K after p6pp and you have possibility of getting that extra damage.
We didn't really much combos in this fight, just 6T lol. Mila's main BnB's would most be like: Level 2 or 3 stun, 8K, P6PP, P6P6P and if the opponent doesn't tech roll then run and do 2T. My personal favorite BnB is:
Level 3 stun, 8K, 7PP(H)P+K6P.


May 18, 2014 at 8:31 PM
Posted by JusTheBest29
Me fighting Gurimmjaw yet again! Personally, this is my favorite match out of the Mila set we had. Such a close game! This also the last of the replays I want to upload out of this set and the last replay I want to upload today.
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