DoA5 (Xbox 360) Mila (Galen The Wise) Vs. Ryu Hayabusa (Random) Lobby match

Okay cool I haven't dug deep into environmental combos yet. Only experimented a little haven't got to that section yet on my guide.
@Koompbala Because on Scramble she forces opponents with head lying toward her and yeah on this stage you cant do that no matter what.
Ok, that is definitely messed up. I don't know, mang.
Tell me why 6H+K with Tina gives her guaranteed dmg on Scramble, but not this goofball circus stage. TN and their skylarkings *shakes fist*
Hell no. She's just fine. If you want a character that gets guaranteed stuff, pick up Mila (:
That cartwheelin' hooker what is she doing getting 3H+K off of that environment bounce wtf? I do Tina's 6H+K the opponent can tech. That ain't fair nerf her nerf her some more.
Thank you, Jaguar. Your support is very much appreciated.
I really love watching your Mila, Galen! This was a very good match.
Far from it. I was just agitated. Guy beat me when I got Ryu off random and wanted to taunt, T-bag, etc. So I destroyed him.
OK, Galen no homo..... but can i just love you please ?! You even taunted XD! Your perfect lol