DOA5U Pai Power Launcher Combo Video (voice fixed)

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May 22, 2014 at 8:14 AM
Posted by 866AiN999
Voice fixed

PL damage shown here is on Counter Hit and is compared with the raw damage of a Power Blow which is 80.

Great thanks to Timasty for providing me with those double bounce PL combos which are only reliable in

a closed stance.

No Timing Wall:
PL - P - 3H+K - 64P - Px2 - PPKK (H,91)
PL - P - 3H+Kx2 - P - PPKK (M,92)
PL - P - 3H+Kx2 - 64P - PPKK (L,93)
PL - P - 3H+Kx3 - PPKK (Alpha,99)
No Timing:
PL - 6_P - 3H+K - 3H+K - P - 46H+K - Px3 - 33PK (LM, 99)
PL - 7P+K_ - 64P - P - 46H+K - Px3 - 33PK (for CB ,LMH ,101)
PL - 7P+K_ - 64P - P - 46H+K - 64P - Px2 - 33PK (for CB ,LM ,102)
PL - 7P+K_ - 3H+K - P - 46H+K - 9K - Px2 - 33PK (for CB ,Alpha ,110)
Double Bounce:only reliable in a closed stance.
PL - 1T - (WR) K - 64P - P - 46H+K - 46H+K - Px3 - 33PK (M,103,from Codemaster92163)
PL - P - 3H+K - K - P - 46H+K - 46H+K - Px3 - 33PK (L,107,from Timasty)
PL - P - 3H+K - K - 6_P - 6_P - 46H+K - 46H+K - 9K - Px2 - 33PK (Alpha,115,from Timasty)

Thanks for watching.
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