DOA5U - Something-Unique (Mila) vs. Codemastr92163 (Pai) [HD]

Thanks! I'm not to concerned with letting people get free damage from stun since I play multiple fighters and guaranteed damage is standard fare. Confident enough to make it up in the neutral game hence the reason I look so relaxed in stun. Plus I prefer not to get caught with a HCT from either her standing 214T or her crouching 33T so Pai get's less free opportunities for CB and has to work more in stun. Outside of those HCT throw situations her damage output isn't a major concern imho. Also yes in prior matches her CB setups were either being held or SE'd and blocked quite often.
The play from both of you was amazing really. The fact you didn't crack under all that pressure was really good. Then Codemaster actually using the floor something no one does. It rarely got used in 4 unless they used Tengu or Spartan. Other than that people in 4 & 5 hardly end their combos with a low kick on electric floors. Also you must of been holding those CB's prior to this match. I noticed he didn't wanna do them to you. Then Codemaster teching that 2P ender every time I would tech that too. Mila with that mount on this stage is insane.


Jan 23, 2014 at 10:23 AM
Posted by Something-Unique
Usually I try not to upload matches vs certain people but I had to upload this one on the PS3 leaderboards as it was an incredible match from a long set between the both of us.

With the incoming arcade edition patch removing all guaranteed options after Mila's 6T I opted not to use it at all in some matches like this one to prepare myself ahead of time.

Shout outs to the YouTube uploaded D Block for uploading an amazing fight.
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