DOA5UA PHASE-4 Full DMG Juggles

Don't her teleports work like Kasumi's? She needs to hit you/guard break to do it?
She looks fine to me. Perhaps the flashy stuff made you believe she's overpowered.
She doesn't look too broken. It all depends on how good her mixup is, how powerful her accompanying throws are, and all that. For a bunch of PL combos, most characters net a nice chunk with theirs. As for the normal combos, I can't tell if they're CH or NH or whatever. Still, doesn't look broken. It all depends on how many options she has from those teleport thingies.
I cant wait to get my hands on her
Actually, this isn't that bad. Most characters get significant damage off PL structures; this isn't excessive for what it actually is. Any talk about Phase-4 being broken or overpowered or even *good* at all is premature at best. That's primarily determined by neutral tools, not by combos.
Step, I am convinced you enjoy making me miserable. If these aren't her Full DMG's and they do this much damage, just imagine how much Phase-4's actual Full DMG can do
these aren't her max damage combos
Like I said, if Phase-4 will need to be nerfed and will show herself really "un-nerfable" (concept that honestly I don't understand, because the developers have the power to change every property and attack of the character if they wish, included her teleports), then the simple solution is a ban from the official tournaments, painful but simple.
@Kronin, you should be able to tell from this video that is no going to be possible to nerf Phase-4. She's obviously designed to ~be~ overpowered.

And are you guys seriously okay with a character intentionally powered up to the max with no real hope of being nerfed?
@Russian-chiropractic19: because the 5th one should be Dural if well interpreted Hakkyoku.

PS: This video deserve a like just only for the use of BOMB FACTORY's Exciter! XD (and dat Phase-4!)
we already have 4 VF characters if they cant stand up to her what makes you think the 5th one will be able to?
And finally, like always, let's wait for the addition of the characters and the experimentation with it before to reach the - usually never completely correct - conclusions. Not because it's you that talk about Phase-4 rather than another player, but just because a video alone can't be able to make realize what a character can do/ need to be changed, otherwise we make the same mistake of that VF player trying to judge the DoA system because he "saw enough videos for doing it".
Sorry Hakkyoku but I fail to realize the logic to add another overpowered character because the game has already a overpowered one: exactly what this should balance? This is how to say that if you meet a player of Phase-4 you will be able to beat him through the use of this "X" character and vice versa. Well at this point just use even you Phase-4 for a mirror match.

I'm not a competent player, but this doesn't prevent me to not understand that the way to balance a game is to bring all the characters to the same level, through buffs or nerfs (even the first usually are preferable). If then Phase-4 should be a so overpowered fighter (thing that I don't believe will happen, because even in that case TN will make nerfs to her) then the sad solution will be the classic one to ban the character from the tournaments (but of course I don't hope that this will be her fate, we don't need of "DoA2U's Tengu 2: The Revenge").
The logic is there will be a character who can stand a fair chance against her. And its safe to say, even if Phase-4 is nerfed it won't change the fact that she is too much to handle.

Nerf her power; her speed will make up for it
Nerf her speed; her teleportation can zone in and out at will.

And like I said before, I've got nothing against Phase-4 but I'm not oblivious and I know a un-nerfable character when I see one. People are going to hate her more than like her.
that serves no purpose in balancing. all that would do is create another hard to defeat character and i fail to see the logic in that. no TN will probably just nerf her, but before that i want to fight her and/or play as her. i want to at least be given a chance


May 7, 2014 at 12:40 PM
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Arcade Ver 1.05
PHASE-4(フェーズ・フォー) コンボムービー 第三弾
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