DOA5U MILA vs PAI (Codemaster92163)

by seeing that PL i went 2 the lab 2 see if any other pai PL combos can do a double bound and almost every1 ik is able 2 do it i can also do 4P+K~P~P+K P (2X)46H+K (3X)P 33PK (its a little harder than the 1 u do in this vid but they both do 112DMG)
Whenever code feels up to i'll definitely be down but that's up to him!
I would gladly record that endurance match, SU. Let's go, let's go!
That combo is quite sexy! I'm telling u we should upload a FT15 for FSD or something. Some of our matches be the stuff of legend.
Dat power launcher combo! O_O
Ahh gotcha, I saw like a huge delay when you were trying to do it and then the 46H+K whiffed completely.
If I missed the first 46H+K, it was a lag issue. If I missed the second, it was either due to a slight slope or a distance issue.
0:32 Holy shit that critical burst looks so cheap and amazing to pull off. Great Pai, lol. You make her look interesting.
You tried to do this in Gill's lobby during the stream but you dropped the 46H+K because of the lag right?
Timasty is the one who invented it. Sooooo much damage for so little effort.
i must say that power launcher at 0:38 was absolutely beautiful.


May 13, 2014 at 7:59 PM
Posted by Codemaster92163
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