[HD] DOA5U The Ultimate Kasumi Guide - Trailer

xD I hadn't meant atm I know you all are very busy with this extensive guide lol sorry for the confusion
@Nuke-Nin Sorry. We're working on the guide right now! We apologize for the long wait but it's a very large guide. :)
I hope there is a second trailer prior to the release >///<
As soon as I saw Kasumi parry the Zack Beam, I already knew it was going to be hype!
Words can't explain how excited I am for this to be released! I really want to be a good Kasumi player, but I feel I fail miserably DX. Looking forward to levelling up with this guide! Thank you both very much ^_^!
I'm really curious on how far and detailed this vid'll be. I can't wait!! Trailer's awesome
You guys are amazing Kasumi players. Hype!
Featuring: Victor Donovan, The Runaway Ninja.
Lmfao jk, awesome trailer. 8) I can't wait to see it. ~
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback! Star and I are REALLY excited for everyone to see it! :D
@Chapstick - It's a detailed combo video. It's going to show her guaranteed combos and things like that! It will have damage and the inputs for each combo! It will probably be a really long video. Lol I hope this answers your question?
Dang, Ty! This looks really friggin' badass! Can't wait!
So it's a combo video then? Or does it go into how to use her as well?


May 4, 2014 at 9:44 PM
Posted by panicitstylor
This is the trailer for "The Ultimate Kasumi Guide" made by The Runaway Ninja and RenderingStar☆. We have worked very hard on this and we are very excited to put out the actual guide! The full "The Ultimate Kasumi Guide" will probably come out sometime this summer! It will include pretty much everything Kasumi can do from guaranteed combos to stage combos!! It will be a very detailed Kasumi video. Until then I hope you enjoy the trailer! ^-^

The song in the trailer is "Ignition" from the "Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate Soundtrack".
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