Hinokakera CE - All Character Showcase

That Aya girl was... wow lol


Jun 3, 2014 at 3:40 AM
Posted by Zeo
This is actually an arcade run of the game I did years ago but I thought it would be
more appropriate to call it what it really is. A showcase of just about every character in Hinokakera: Chaotic Eclipse. I thought it best to just use this instead of cluttering up the media section with a bunch of different HK videos.

You don't get in depth as this game was never explored that far but you can get a general idea of how the characters look and feel. It's a long video so I'll bullet point the cast so I don't scare away people that don't want to give away a half hour.

Raven - 0:13
(Sword User/Close-Mid Range/Beginner char)

Aronia - 2:23
(Enchanted Gem User/Trap-Zoning char)

Malakh - 5:13
(Spear user/Mid Range)

Celes - 7:15
(Enchanted Sword User/Close-Mid Range)

Ashley - 9:21
(3 Weapon User/Close-Long Range/Hard to use)

Silvis - 12:08
(Summoned Sword User/Close-Mid Range)

Hardy - 15:02
(Gun user/Mid-Long Range)

Camille - 17:08
(Zweihander User/Close Range/Slow)

Kasumi - 19:09
(Martial Arts User/Rushdown/mixup based)

Celestis - 20:45
(Magic User/Mid-Long range)

Aya - 23:11
(Claw user/Close-Mid range/slight Zoning)

Aya/Immortal - 26:23
(Close Range/Pure Rushdown)

Kakeru - Throughout Video
(Katana User/Close-Mid Range/Stance Based)
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