I'm extremely glad they brought back Tengu's old throws, they transferred amazingly well to her. I still prefer the P1 costume. As much as I like this one, since it reminds me a lot of Tharja, that's just WAY too much booty :U Also, those physics were meant to be a joke. Keep it on the home consoles for Pete's sake, TN : |
I love how she's tossing people around like rag dolls <3
For the record, the arcade machines in use were operating on the OMG setting, which was an added feature with the 1.07 update.
Her boobs, man it was like look at water ripple.
Omg breast physics mode is soo damn ridiculous.
I'm so not upset about the extra 'bounce' in her step hahaha
Is it me or did they make the boob physics look even more insane?
um her tits bounce waaaayyy to unnaturally lmao but I guess that's to be expected from DOA
omg the guy is making her tits vibrate by touching the screen


Jun 8, 2014 at 1:30 PM
Posted by DestructionBomb
0608 Ver1.07 ロケテスト 女天狗
12     6     1,667