Dead or Alive 5_Lobby Match_Christie VS. XXXDA KILLAHXXX(Lei Fang)

LMAO. Vindictive streak. That's great to have whether it's good or bad in my opinion! I am the same damn way. I let it show sometimes and I get destroyed because of it, I just rush like a fool. But seriously Killah, great defense. I only wish I could defend half as good as you.
djynho: Thx soo much.. A lot of people says my reading is impressive, but honestly I really dont see it; but I guess all that matters is if yall see it then im happy((: THX!!
Thx!! I GET THAT A LOT!!!- but you mean as in a revenging streak ?
Your skills is impressive but in doa5 almost anyone can pok and mix once you stun them. What is more impressive with you killah though is your ability to read. Sometimes you beat people with just great defense. And that's online. Great job.
I will say, after seeing a half dozen of your vids, you definitely are good at reading your opponents. You have a vindictive streak though, not sure if that's good or bad.


Mar 30, 2013 at 12:04 PM
Posted by PSN Khaliah_
Ive decided from now on to not put the gamertags Ive won over in the description because some people tell me I use their name to embarrassed them, insult them, or to get revenge... So as a result of those comments, I will no longer tell who I'm fighting((:
ENJOY THE VID!! Trying to become a little more famous((:
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