How To Punish Helena Redux

There is a lot of information at FSD on how to deal with a special character. But a video is a million time better than a text to learn from.
thx for giving some hints for this MU
Cool vid! Liked how you stopped at certain points to explain what you meant. However, I would like to add that Helena can be hit out of bokuho with a 2p from any character every time when you block her hand slaps leading into it. The only time she is at advantage from attacks leading into back turned or bokuho is if she manages to actually hit you. Otherwise, she can be beaten out. I'm pretty sure she can be throw punished on all low kicks leading Into BKO on block except back turned 66k. At the very least 2p. Also 66h+K can be throw punished. If not, one last time, 2p. If I said something wrong, please correct me. Lol but from my experience this can give most Helenas trouble. Also, if you know her frames make sure you throw punish appropriately!
"Helena has 4 force techs" Oh boy she has even more.
This was a really good video, and that last round was really well done.
Thanks for the proper tutorial. Something I noticed even though I don't use Helena is that some of her stance transition moves that even other characters have like Rig, give her frame advantage. So she's actually a lil harder to punish then shown in the video. :/ but Thx for the tips tho, I'll keep it in mind.


Sep 22, 2014 at 6:41 PM
This one comes with Instructions
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