@matsukaze This is from like a year ago. After I actually started trying. I do nothing like that anymore lol
i am not a specialist of ryu but i can see lot of weakness
- you attack all time but you never guard opponent attack so your opponent have free counter hit
- you dont do juggle when you launch your opponent
- you dont respect the priority
- you dont do throw punish
- you never do wake up kick even if oppoent whiff his attack
- you dont have stun game
- you use too much H+KKK and some other moves
- you dont know your wall combo
if you really want progress with this ninja see the video of oMASTERo for learn some good combo, tips...
and try to play more offline than onilne if you have a bad internet connection. :)


Apr 2, 2015 at 5:29 PM
Posted by TheRealCoxinator
This is the oldest replay I have and reminded me why I quit if I see a Helena. I was better then compared to my skill now. I mashed the entire time btw.
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