Can't Tell if Microsoft is Serious Or Trolling WTF?

i thought the player could be in the car lolol
Maybe the point is that it helps you feel like you are escaping the real world, untill an earthquake happens, then you think you've angered the gods
I actually experienced the occulus rift and basically what it does is it takes the camera controls and syncs it to your head movement, orientation and so forth. If your rig is powerful enough then it works really well but this is more or less botchamania E3 edition.
Yeah, I'm with Bomb. I don't get what I was supposed to bee seeing here. However, I also haven't looked into this Oculus thing at all so maybe that's why I missed the point of this video.
I don't get it... you get the same experience without the Oculus, so this is what 2015 to XB1. Playing games in virtual rooms lool.

Xbox has finally did it. They made themselves look even more ridiculous.
that is such garbage.. that silence was perfect


Jun 11, 2015 at 9:34 PM
Posted by Fiend Busa
Microsoft's VR experience creates a room for your racing experience.
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