this exact same effect is what they did to alpha's KKKKK string, not just not normal but on counter hit as well and with more negative frames. essentially makes a move garbage
Jab already creates a desired high stun rate. 7P is supposed to specifically get it's high stun rate on Counter Hit. It doesn't need to be on Counter hit and higher.
I think the issue is that CH creates a stun whereas HCH does not. CH and higher should cause a stun.
I dont understand the problem here. This is on fastest stagger escape. No human being is going to recognize they've been hit by 7P and then SE for -4 on neutral hit. Just like no one will SE a Counter Hit 2P.
Yes... But it's actually 0 on Neutral hit but -4 on Fastest stagger
Its still vastly better than his 5U 7p which was garbage and offered no stun on any counter hit level
yea, I have the same problem. it's counterintuitive that normal hit and high counter are... whatever the fuck that is.
So his 7p is only +frames with a blind stun, on counter hit, but on normal and hi counter, it's -frames with a small push back stun. Wow


Nov 1, 2015 at 2:49 AM
Posted by iThe Apprentice
Just. . Watch pls.
I'm not saying it needs fixing... But... It needs fixing.
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