RANT Juggle duration & gravity modifier | LIKE this video | Logical Game Design for Team Ninja #14

The fact you're choosing to edit the rant that's pushing people away from you on the condition you get a certain amount of likes is the textbook definition of gaslighting, and that's exactly what a narcissist does.

I hate to break it to you, man, but you're never going to get the validation you want with a mindset like that. As for your rant, there's a fine line between telling it like it is and just being a jerk. That rant you made definitely comes off as the latter. You're not only making unnecessarily hateful attacks at the devs, but attempting to guilt-trip those who don't leave a like on your video at the same time. That's the fastest route to being a lolcow in the community, and you're going lightspeed. Hit the brakes while you still can.

At the end of the day though, it's your videos, your channel, your choice. If you wanna keep that stuff in the video description because you didn't get a certain amount of likes, knock yourself out. But metaphorically speaking, you're only shooting yourself in the foot.
I don't see a reply button. Well, this is in response to Awesmic. Maybe I am a narcissist? Personally, I think not. I'm just very confident in myself.
If people are so petty and dumb to not support my video because of my personality, there's nothing I can do about that. It is what it is.
It's my channel. I like to vlog. The idea is what I'm asking support for, not my attitude.
And yes, I was angry and was not trying to hide it. I am that fed up with the gaming industry.

Being offensive doesn't make the offender's opinion illegitimate. Everything I said is still a fact regardless of how the audience feels.
In a nut shell, "DOA6 is a balloon simulator, which makes it a trash fighter". Without all the fluff, that's what message of the video is conveying. And that was my purpose for making it. People need to look past me and focus on the bigger picture.

If the video gets a few hundred likes, I am going to heavy edit the text to look more professional and unbias, just like my other idea videos. Then I will send it to Team Ninja and KT. I was intentionally not holding my tongue in order to convey my frustration, even though I knew it would come off as repulsive. That's why I called it a RANT. @Awesmic

Anyway, if you've already forgotten, I do have plans to change the text to be uncontroversial. I just wanted that video to be a rant because I'm done giving Team Ninja anymore ideas, wasting my time and talent on them.

Thanks for watching and reading, dude :) I hope you liked the video despite my everything else that was hard to swallow.
I dunno if you lack any self-awareness, but that wall of text you wrote in the video description is killing any chance of folks taking you seriously. It makes you look like a narcissist, and that way of thinking repels people away from you more than it attracts.


May 3, 2022 at 10:45 AM
Posted by NyaMiyamaFighter
Think of me as a freelance KT employee. Whether they want my help or not, I’m donating my services and EXPERTICE.
Click "SHOW MORE" to expand the description of this video
Bass is the HEAVIEST character in DOA6 and it does NOT help him survive in this balloon physics game!
PLEASE give me a gravity modifier for lobby matches. I'd say this is what I'd want most of all. THANK YOU in advance.

I grow tired of making videos for a company that seemingly hates their own games and ignores what their customers want.
This may be my last idea video for a while. These developers are making me upset with their apathetic attitude toward THEIR OWN CREATION!!!

Team Ninja DOES NOT DESERVE to make video games. I do!!! Let's switch places so I can show you how it's done--how to make a proper, FUN, polished video game.
You people have absolutely no idea what you are doing with DOA. I'm sick and tired of this trash. There are almost no good video games to play. They're all GARBAGE! Humans do not think rationally! Not only could I do Team Ninja's job, but I would do their job BETTER and for FREE!
I don't need pay. Playing a fun game is more than enough of a reward. Buying games is what I'd use my money on ANYWAY!

There is absolutely NO REASON to completely stop support for DOA6. This game is SO ANNOYING! I want it fixed!
I don't want to play Halo. I don't want to play a stupid, braindead shooter. I want to play a fighting game with HOLDS! I want to play a FAIR, easy strategy game.
I don't want to play card games either. Those get boring after a while.

Read my pinned comment.
-The Ugly Problems with DOA6: https://youtu.be/ERLaNX8sugg
-GMV Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ4KscFO109ym0r0BN8mmGtM-C3YlouLF
-Featured Video of Mine: https://youtu.be/YQ9sfzNypb4 (Me and MASTER meet again in DOA6)
NyaFighter8101 FighterSupreme nyotengu DOAFighter3 dead or alive 6 doa6 koei for doa7 7 doa6u 6 ultimate nerf free to play koei tecmo japan notes bass
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