DoA5 (PS3) Gen Fu (Galen The Wise) Vs. Akira (Random) Lobby match

I was talking about when I first started using Akira. I have no issues looking at it now since most of it I know.
haha, I'm sorry I've flooded you guys with too much info. I'll just make a video here and there for your viewing pleasure.
I was too lazy honestly. I took a few things and added them but mostly learned from watching and on the fly.
Yeah, I tried reading it all. But I got lost in all the pages so I just decided it'd be better to watch videos instead.
Thankfully Sly paved the way to write everything down. I started learning all the advanced stuff from him. Funnily enough my style ended up becoming flowchart Akira.
Lol. Yeah, it was a nightmare trying to find any material for him. Literally nothing but trailers, and game play videos -.-...
Definitely be grateful we have some. Eliot has like 2 players. And Rig... lol. Yeah I'm definitely greatful to have you guys around. It was a nightmare being the only Akira back when this game launched.
Yeah, but he at least knows how to play him and use him. Maybe not to a super high degree since he doesn't take him that seriously but better than some people who can't get him down. Yeah. Wish we had more good Akira users. But at least we have some.
Oh, and Neo, that makes 5 on 360.
Ah, I forgot about him. Me, You, Sly Bass, Ghosty-J and DestructionBomb. Those are really the only Akiras I think 4 on 360 and 3 on PS3. SR is good but he mains Gen-Fu.
Yeah, that's my buddy, DestructionBomb. Only other actual Akira besides SR and Ghosty-J that plays on PS3 -.-........
Close match, that was actually a really good Akira. I wasn't sure those existed on PS3.


Aug 3, 2013 at 6:15 PM
Posted by Incognito
Lobby match.
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