Well, I can't really edit my videos and shorten them to the point seeing as I upload them from the system upload option. I don't have any editing programs so I don't really have a say in the matter. You just have to buckle yourself in and try to endure the ride.
Thanks for sharing. That said, if you are going to show less than 10 secs of highlights the video probably shouldn't be 1:31 long. Funny never the less though.
-.-.... Classic Dead or Alive I guess.
That used to happen in DOA4 and Dimensions as well. He would occasionally throw them "into" an object, but the collision wouldn't be detected, so where it would usually calculate the damage of being thrown into the object, since he never hit, no damage is taken. I thought they fixed that since I haven't seen it happen yet, but now I have.
No no. Third round. I do guaranteed sit down, 33P launcher, then 41236F+P and it does no damage. He just flys against the pillar taking no damage.. It starts at :56 or :57.
@1:14, it appears Hayate didn't get in a critical stun with 66P while Bass was performing 8T. This allowed him to block on reaction.
Bayman can do that too. It's not terribly complicated. Just really annoying.
What am I supposed to be looking for? All I see is a good Bass whippin ass...


Aug 10, 2013 at 10:32 PM
Posted by Incognito
What just happened? Anybody wanna explain this to me?
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