DOA5(PS3®) My clueless and super scrubby HELENA vs KASUMI

The point of this silly vid wasn't about out what or what doesn't Kasumi needs in terms of guaranteed setups. Again, try not to focus on Kasumi. My point? SE glitch made the game better. Sure, it most likely needed some balancing and further exploration, but overall it lead the game into a better direction in my humble opinion. Right now the game is a tweaked version of DOA4 for most of the characters. Is still playable? Sure. Is it fun? Yeah sure. Anyway, I'm done here. Btw, thanks for your insight.
  • Raansu

Let's be honest, all the characters in DoA are brain dead.
Reason being kasumi doesn't need a guaranteed CB set up, is because of all the guaranteed set ups she has already. Giving her a guaranteed CB along with what she has, just isn't wise, she'd be braindead..
Of course it wasn't meant to be guaranteed in the first place. This is DOA after all. Why shouldn't be a guaranteed setup to ensure a CB follow-up? The rest of the game is involves a stun game that leads to 50-50 situations pretty much all the time (as cliche it may sounds, still remains true for most characters). Maybe that Kasumi setup in particular isn't the best example, tho. I give you that.
Just so you know lol... That was never meant to be guaranteed in the first place. Since you play this on a casual level, don't think you'd know why but giving her a free CB is complete braindead...
Yeah maybe you´re right, I have nothing to say against that, maybe I just dont care thinking about it when I'm playing, I don't know if its good to me or not...but for now all we can do is accept and adapt.
It actually is bad, Wish. It's a bad gameplay design for a fighting game. Why is that Kasumi player forced to play a guessing game when he landed 2 sit-down stuns in a row? I failed at defending myself. That was entirely my fault for NOT blocking, therefore I believe some sort of punishment should be there. But no, I'm given the opportunity to SE the stuns and pull damage out of my ass with a hold. It makes no sense.
Don't thinks it's that bad... he tried to do that setup 5 times or more, :p
It's ridiculous. Well, maybe in DOA6 they figure it out another way to fuck the game even more.
  • Raansu

Indeed, that sit down setup at 1:47 should be guaranteed, but TN says screw you to 90% of the cast.


Feb 12, 2013 at 10:22 PM
Posted by FakeSypha
Casual online match.

@1:47 that's the reason TN should have left the SE glitch in the game. With an 'unescapable' sitdown stun, I couldn't have hold Kasumi's CB.
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