Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge - Day 2 Part 2 - Dragonsword

I learned all the DS stuff from watching his play-through, dudes a monster at all the NG games, probably the best NG player ever
eh in NG2/NGS2 all the greater fiends are a piece of cake thanks to me doing MN3 countless times lol, but in NGRE its a different story, have not practiced any greater fiends with any weapons except the scythe 360 spam lmao

hey dude if you think im a killing machine in NGRE you have to check out showr18!!
well u did pretty well I dare say,youre a killing machine in this game.its probably something I have to feel when playing it to understand you perspective (about how difficult he is).the most dificult thing about him in ng2 was the dust effects and the camera angle xD all the other bosses were a lot more challenging than him
where as in NG2/NGS2 it didn't cause damage*
The only differences I noticed is in his punch punch slash slash slash combo, in NGRE the punch punch does chip damage now where as in NG2/NGS2. he is actually a lot less agressive in NGRE its just that I don't know how to fight him with the DS in NGRE that's why he looks harder lol :p
Volf is a lot easier its just that I haven't practiced him with the DS in the NGRE at all lol that's why he looks harder :p
nice music selection.damm is it me or ng2 bosses more difficult in this version of the game.I remember the "wolf" boss to be a peace of cake (even with that camera from ng2), he seems a lot more aggressive in ng3re


Nov 30, 2013 at 5:10 PM
Posted by Fiend Busa
Not sure why the audio for the gameplay wasn't recorded
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