DOA5 [Ver 1.03A] - Top Players Replays #242 XCaLibur BLadeZ vs Gehaktbal - 4 Matches [HD]


Nope, they were recorded live. Lag is still definitely an issue though, sadly.
Laura? I wonder if her gamertag is L2URA... in that case I could've done well. Too bad my financial situation is beyond trips to France. Congrats to Gehaktbal anyway!
Yeah DOA was supposed to be streaming right now but for some reason it seems like DOA has already been played and the results are:
1. Gehaktbal
2. Alucardo a.ka Bonu5tage
3. Laura
There's a major European tournament this weekend in France. Has it finished yet? Any results? I didn't see a thread in the tournament forum... Gehaktbal took part.
HAHHA i say that because i noticed that Gehaktbal is not slow escaping at all while usually he slow escapes like a son of a gun and i know for a fact that slow escaping is hard or doesn't work at all when you have input delay or when the game just doesn't register your inputs due to lag.
Also keep in mind that Netherlands VS USA is always lag advantage for USA. Actually any country VS USA is lag advantage USA i don't know why this is.
I bet these were sent by Xcalibur Bladez... I doubt their matches are usually this one-sided.


Mar 2, 2013 at 8:15 PM
Posted by Seigfreid
DOA5 [Ver 1.03A] - Top Players Replays #242 XCaLibur BLadeZ vs Gehaktbal - 4 Matches [HD]
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