ZeoRebirth (Ein, Hayate) vs Mr.Kwiggle (Christie) *MEGASET* Part 1

i LMAOed so hard when you did like 3 6P+K in a row
I do my best to adapt but it's hard to break a mold on the fly when the same thing works on everyone and suddenly not on a specific person (referring to 236K) Ein's 1K6P is also unreliable as a force tech as even when they don't tech it has a tendency to go through them and you'll still eat a wakeup kick. In the event they do tech, you're still not really at advantage as they can block the unsafe mid followups and crush the high punch.

As far as just doing stuff goes, Kwiggles is the type of player that doesn't let you get into a flow/comfort zone really. I can't help admitting that sometimes he drove me to the point where I was yoloing and hoping I got lucky.
At certain parts of these matches i felt like you were just doing stuff lol. Like when Kwiggles would SS you on wakeup you kept doing Hayates' 236K anyways. And 1K6P does not work unless they don't tech. If you know your opponent's teching, don't do it. He blew you up for doing it every once in a while.


Feb 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM
Posted by Zeo
There were some hiccups (Accursed replay glitch...) but the megaset is here. 3 whopping parts of a set I had vs the recent winner of WB8, Mr.Kwiggle.

The first 5 replays were deleted due to the replay glitch, I neglected to save 2 replays after we fought and one last replay that gltched further into the library. That's 8 lost replays in all, 7 of which he won and 1 that I came out on top.

Yeah, I got my butt kicked. Still enjoy the show, it's a rough ride for me, but I don't go down without a fight. Also, those who saw the videos I had vs him in Vanilla should feel a bit nostalgic here, you'll understand why.
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