Ayane (Skillzilla) V. Tina (KS Shogun)

Maybe you should hit up Xdest (GreaterTurtle) for matches on PSN.
I have it on both. Skillzilla81 on PSN and XBL.
I don't have any matches of myself around in DOA5, yet. I'm not sure if Xdest does either, or Dave Cardell for that matter. What system do you play on?
I actually haven't been playing Ayane very much. I'm using Tina exclusively, pretty much.

I blame not going for launchers on DoA4. :p Do you know some good Ayana players to watch?
If you've improved since this video, I wouldn't taking a look at more of your matches to see how you play. I'd rather you be steered in the right direction for playing this character properly.
Beginning of match; I don't understand why you decided to run back in THEN spin backwards just to eat a low sweep. You spaced yourself at the beginning of the round, you were already in a good position because of this. You knocked Tina into the wall with a combo and had plenty of time to back away from an oncoming wakeup kick (which you did do). Then you walked right back up before Tina got of the ground, made no sense.

Doing PPP4 or 66P4 isn't safe. P+KP33 can easily be interrupted by mids on block, don't rely of this. At range, you shouldn't be doing 66P to come in with. You have 3P, 3H+K and other at range to work with.

You had plenty of stun > launch opportunities but decided to use throw attempts instead. If this was a more competent Tina, you would have had your world rocked hard with how you played.
I am, however, open to criticism if you wanted to elaborate instead of just drive-by commentary.


Oct 1, 2012 at 11:48 AM
Posted by Skilletor
Dead or Alive 5 matches
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