i wish i could record the joke that is zack's combo challenge.
Ein has a ridiculous combo challenge that involves 3 while rising kicks in a single juggle, and it only works against Alpha cuz she's featherweight. The execution is stupid hard, and IMO the combo itself is rather impracticable unless you're on a slope.
Zeo: Any tough combo challenges for Ein and Akira?
I... could probably do this on my 2nd or 3rd try lol. I don't even use Kasumi.
I don't know for real dude, but I wouldn't be shock if they kept dropping it 100 times over. I can't wait to see the combo challenge for Zack. Let's see if Zack actually knows Zack.
@Havik; WHAT for real? lmao XD
TN has trouble doing it. I bet the testers can't do it.
LMAO C'mon not everyone is you YUE-san. Heck I'm already having difficulty with Momiji in her last D3 Combo Challenge but I'm still going to try and try until I melt my thumb off so you can go stuff it! XD
Now go do Jacky, Eliot's, and Ein critical power launcher and just frame combo's. Theres some difficulty for your ass lol.
That sit down stun should have allowed her to reach maximum threshold before CB, that took too many stuns =/ Cool combo though.
Yeah but I memorized this the second I read it lmao
Id probably mess up on that a lot lol, there is a difference between doing combos through muscle memory and reading a combo and trying to execute it
I'm not gonna lie as I'm terrible with timing like this and terrible with kasumi this would probably take me a good few tries if I was to attempt it :( I guess I suck *cries*


Sep 4, 2013 at 8:21 AM
Posted by o_YUE_o
This wasn't even remotely difficult. lol

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