Recent content by mikeohara

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    [Jun 1, 2013] Southern Rebellion (Shreveport, LA)

    I will not be making this tournament sadly. I have a lot on my plate as far as life goes (college, internship, then our fight club out here in East Texas) and I need to focus on that stuff more or less. Good luck with the tournament, hope it all goes well :)
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    [Jun 1, 2013] Southern Rebellion (Shreveport, LA)

    Was not aware that most DOA tourneys are run on PS3, guess that means I gotta rent or buy the PS3 version after Bar Fights in a couple weeks. I'm also retiring my black TE-S (that has the demons inside it) and replacing it, most likely with a Eightarc stick. The more you know I suppose =)
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    [Jun 1, 2013] Southern Rebellion (Shreveport, LA)

    I'm curious as to why the move to PS3 for this event. The last DOA event I went to and played in was played on 360 (Bar Fights X in Dallas). I don't know which platform is superior, but I do know the PS3 version has the patch us 360 users are waiting on.
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    DOA5+'s Lesson Mode and Cross-Platform play announced!

    I may buy the Japanese version of this, but I honestly wonder if TN would ever make the online satisfactory for the majority of us here. But this would allow me to start playing my Vita again.
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    Lei Fang Beginner Guide

    I recently entered a offline DOA5 tournament in Dallas (Texas Bar Fights X) and went 0-2 with my Leifang. The worst thing was I had a game practically won against an Eliot (2 rounds to nil) and he came back and busted me. Of course, Master won the whole thing but I was very surprised to take a...
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    Dallas/Ft.Worth Thread

    hey guys, Mike Black here checking in. Finally have the ghosts out of my arcade stick and I'm ready to roll with some DOA5!