Free Step Dodge

Nestor Collazo
Nestor Collazo
deal! by the way i just took brad to the lab & i have to say, team ninja must have done something to him... i don't know when & it wasn't in any of the patch notes i have seen...but... since when was he so safe?
Nestor Collazo
Nestor Collazo
i mean he still has quite a few unsafe strings but, outside of the obvious ones EVERYTHING i was using on the 'guard-all' CPU was coming up -5, and -7... i could not believe my eyes, i was doing some of the slowest / most ridiculous looking shit it would be like -8. barely punishable (aside from grapplers of course). still in shock. buff brad lol
His Reverence
His Reverence
Wasnt that always the case? lol I always believed that he was only punishable during laying shenanigans. Everytime id try to punish a string, id get blown up.
His Reverence
His Reverence
Keep in mind, i never knew his frames. I eyeballed em all.