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Akira's character design revolves on GBs and damage setups, Gen Fu's approach does not revolve around GBs. You cannot compare the two nor provide sympathy on the matter at hand here.

Akira's GB (like his GBoD) is the same as Ryu's Izuna Drop. It's a character design. Gen Fu is not exactly on sympathy here when he is not a GB type character to begin with.
@DestructionBomb Akira's or Gen's design is not the point here; the point is that after the upgrade the GB of a powerful move will give less advantage than the GB of a weaker move. Makes no sense.
Even Mila's 66P GB remains at +7 and no way Mila hits harder than Gen.

What I'd like is for the GB advantage of all characters to be commensurate with their physical power and the physical effect a certain move would have when applied to an opponent.
It is the point because you tried to bring up a comparison from Akira and Gen Fu's 44P GB and you tried to provide sympathy because apparently they of equal situations.

What you are doing is suggesting in removing a GB advantage because a character who doesn't revolve in that (Gen Fu) are not in the close connected.
Your status says "Makes no sense for Akira's 6P+K to remain +16 if Gen Fu's 44P is nerfed to +1 from +19." - You tried to make a comparison because of sympathy, so you expect people to feel sorry because you tried to make a comparison from a character in the roster who revolves around that along with high execution and character design, whereas Gen Fu does not.
Mila's is +7 but yet none of it is guaranteed. Gen Fu gets a guaranteed launch and a free vortex on a lightweight along with a parry to boot. This character hasn't dropped down a tier at all.
I'm not debating the role of GBs in Akira's design, just the advantage that a certain GB move should give if the power of the character and the power of the move is taken into consideration.
You are missing the point. You tried to use Akira's 6P+K as a scapegoat for Gen Fu's 44P when it should be nowhere near to be used for comparison. Gen Fu's 44P got the baseball hit because he has reversal tools that grants him advantage along with a free vortex. Therefore, your status should only say "Why was Gen Fu's 44P GB to +1? could of kept it on maximum charged."
But even if it was only on maximum charged, Gen Fu has the compensation tools, 44P should be the least of your concerns.
'Gen Fu gets a guaranteed launch and a free vortex on a lightweight along with a parry to boot."

So why shouldn't him get them if they're justified by his character powerful DNA?

Why should Mila 66P GB be +7 and Gen's 44P be +1, when Gen is the more powerful character with a more powerful move.
I only compared the advantage two GB moves offer. The given advantage should be justifed by the character power and the power of the move, not by the role said GB has in the character's fight mechanics.
Because he has tools to compensate for his overall character approach. He has a parry along with guaranteed sitdown setups that leads to potential wall splats. He has a ceiling throw that leads to a guaranteed setup scenario. He has a mid that deep stuns them on CH and stuns on crouching opponents as well as going over high and i9 - i12 jabs.
Because Mila's character approach is different than Gen Fu. She does not have a parry nor relies on gimmick to gain advantage. Mila on a title plays less disrespectful than what Gen Fu does. Gen Fu could toss in a 1P on NH and have the ability to still crush the opponent as well as having the 3rd option to prompt a parry that can cover both a high and a mid.
All I have to say is Seigen, with the reversal tools Gen Fu has, 44P would be the least of anyone's problems. He still has a vortex that no one in the roster has as of yet.
Your argument sounds like: "Other characters need the GB advantage, while Gen doesn't; doesn't matter if Gen's +19 GB advantage is justified by his powerful hit, he has other tools at his disposal, so it should be taken away from him"
Because Gen Fu benefits more on the his "other" tools rather than "one" +19 GB, whereas Akira consists of GBs and GBs in his setups. "That" is the argument. You tried to make a comparison to the wrong character and it turned out to be a character that consists of that.
The "need" for the GB advantage of a certain character is not an argument to take it away from one that doesn't "need" it.
I didn't compare Gen to Akira and the roles GBs play in their fight mechanics, just two moves; Akira's weaker move retaining the +16 advantage because he needs it, while Gen's stronger move losing its +19 advantage, because he doesn't need it.
Look at it this way: If you block Gen's 44P, you're at -19, if you get hit by 44P, you're launched. If you block Akira's 6P+K, you're at -16 but if you get hit by it you're +5. It makes complete sense for Akira to keep his 6P+K GB cause that's what the move is: a guard break. No other use except that.
You're trying to argue that balance should be decided on how strong or weak moves look. May as well just make Izuna Drop do 300 dmg on NH. It's stupid, and you should feel bad for thinking that way.