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  1. H

    Does the PS3 version run at a higher resolution?

    Wow so TN acknowledges the 1 frame problem and has it in the patch notes for the ps3? i don't remember seeing that in the notes, but if that's true its cool they actually admitted it and are dealing with it. I only recently even tried playing online. I have plenty of people to play offline with.
  2. H

    Does the PS3 version run at a higher resolution?

    I feel like every fighting game that is released on ps3 and 360 always has rumors about a 1 frame delay told to me by someone who owns the console without the delay. Honestly, i play so many damn fighting games across pc, 360, and ps3 and i cant tell a difference. Using the same fightstick...
  3. H

    Kasumi's vs ayane's overalls

    Sigh.... i take it no button combo does it then? Ayane got best version :(
  4. H

    Kasumi's vs ayane's overalls

    Anyway to get kasumi to take her shirt off?
  5. H

    Does hitting more do less damage?

    Hmm interesting. So your saying that Mila's PPPP is not a four hit combo according the the combo damage data box despite it saying combo 4 hit during the game when you do it? Also, that would mean that hitomi's example i gave above would be in the same boat? Meaning that mila's PPPP actually...
  6. H

    Does hitting more do less damage?

    So in my original comment up top. Am i reading it wrong then? in the data box is the combo damage not the total dealt damage in a given combo? if so then what i originally said still stands. There are attacks that reduce the total dealt in a combo and attacks that end with blows that deal as...
  7. H

    Does hitting more do less damage?

    In training, I noticed that Mila's standing P+P does 10 each for 20 total, but her P+P+P does a total of 18. Is this correct? If so, why? Also, Hitomi's P+P+6P+K does 35, but if you only land the K, it still does 35 damage. Does hitting only the last hit do the same damage as the entire combo...
  8. H

    Next DLC

    Any news on Round 8 Costumes? I'm super excited to get more.
  9. H

    Next DLC

    DAMNIT! no Christmas outfit for Mila. I'm going to be stuck with lame outfits for her forever.
  10. H

    Next DLC

    Why is everyone so butt mad over the new costumes? Did anyone really expect them to not do holiday outfits for their characters around ....the holidays? Also, is anyone expecting free DLC outfits for the game? It's not likely to happen again.
  11. H

    Third Costume Pack

    I'll be honest. I couldn't throw my money fast enough at that costume swap. Hopefully we get some nice festive costume for December. I want gen fu in his elf costume.
  12. H

    Third Costume Pack

    Found it.....i always get my news from here lol.
  13. H

    Third Costume Pack

    Any news on a new costume pack?
  14. H

    No one's playing tag...

    Just my 2 cents. I play, support, and advocate this game almost entirely because of the Tag mode. However, this is because i consistently have more than 4 players at my house to play with. Tag mode without 4 players is of course rubbish in any game. But i thought i would advocate that with 4...
  15. H

    Third Costume Pack

    I buy them all as well. I want to support the game and i hope they keep making content. Really? The 6th? Is that confirmed? Seems kinda fast. Not that i mind, ill buy it anyway.
  16. H

    Third Costume Pack

    Thanks Tecmo! keep them coming. I was hoping for some Halloween themed stuff but whatever.
  17. H

    Doa 5 Girl Community...

    Sweet, i have three girls that play with me ill see if they're interested in this.
  18. H

    Some More DLC pics

    I love it! Honestly I'll just buy everything they release as I'm a completionist. I also love the same outfits on different characters so long as its priced accordingly. Outfits are just one of those things you cannot have enough of. If this game ended with 30+ costumes for every character i...
  19. H

    Is Ayane the "Ken" of this game, or what?

    Ayane top tier in every doa since 2 IMO. Its the only character that i always recommend against new players from playing only because everyone i know always ends up maining her. I walked into a game in my living room last weekend with 4 Ayane's all going at it in tag lame.
  20. H

    Which Fighting Stick do I buy?

    +1 for qanba, or fusion if you don't like the start button on the surface:\. I have two sticks, a mad catz round 1, and 2. I love them both but would recommend the qanba or fusion.