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  1. F

    Master File : Tier List(4.1).

    Well its nice to see that although the tier lists have some huge gaps, like between hitomi and ayane. But even with those differences the characters are still balanced enough for it to barely show.
  2. F

    Master File : Tier List(4.1).

    I can see how hitomi is bad,but i just find it odd that this tier list is the opposite of where hitomi places in other tier lists. Thats why im so shocked.
  3. F

    Hayashi: "Fighting Entertainment" defined

    hey no hating on the extreme franchise. looool
  4. F

    DOA5 Ideas

    Go go new characters!
  5. F

    Master File : Tier List(4.1).

    yeah but tied for the worst. I swear I would have never guessed.
  6. F

    Master File : Tier List(4.1).

    huh, I thought Hitomi was better than that.
  7. F

    TGS 2011 Trailer Breakdown

    I hope that if they do decide to have both japanese and english voices, that they'll use the voice actresses in doax2 instead of the ones from dimensions, hitomi sounded funny there xD
  8. F

    New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.

    Hey everybody, I've been playing doa since the original. I mostly play hitomi, Leifang, and Kasumi. I'm really excited for DoA5 and I can't wait to play it :)
  9. F

    DOAD Tier List Discussion

    Glad to see hitomis been at a decent point for a while :) my favorite right there!
  10. F

    Dead or Alive 5 Announced!

    Finally! I thought DoA was well dead and buried. I'm SOOOOOO glad to be wrong. Next year is going to be great for 3d fighters :)