An Interesting Parallel Between 8WR and FSD, the SC community and the DOA community.


Well-Known Member
To tie in with the 8WayRun article that Mr. Wah posted on the front page.

Back around 2008, was dead and was becoming more casual since Namco started taking more control over it. So a month or so after SCIV came out, Jaxel, Malice and co. created 8WayRun. Fast forward to the present day where it now is the premiere site for competitive Soul Calibur.

If you think about it, this is about the same thing that's happening with FSD (and ties in with Wah's point that the DOA community isn't in a bubble). The key then is to try and learn from what 8WayRun did.

Off course, not everything is the same. 8WR was after SCIV came out so they benefited from having a (then) fresh game that had generated interest in the series. However, FSD being out before DOA5 could actually be a good thing since it means that there's no need to start something new when the game comes out and that there's a community that's ready and waiting to accept new folks who want to get started on competitive DOA.


Well-Known Member
You know, after reading some shizz on TKP, I think it's time that the word about FSD site got out, just so that people start going here instead of there. I mean, a month ago, the folks at SRK (guys like keits, etc.) didn't even know this site existed. Personally, been doing my best to post DOA stuff from here on SRKs front page, but it would be nice if there could be more things to share. Now personally, I'm not knowledgeable enough about the game to really write anything about it (just enjoyed the fuck out of the versions I got to play) so I'd like to see some folks step up to help out.


Well-Known Member
I deff agree love how you been posting stuff on SRK lol was ready the VFxDOA comment earlier and surprisingly most were for it. I can slowly see the hate for DOA or any non related Capcom game going down on SRK. Im all for helping just dont what i could offer. Ive been seeing a lot of VF5 combo/tech videos getting posted on SRK so maybe I should record some DOA stuff lol


Well-Known Member
d3v: I can write, and should have good access to the game leading to release. What kind of content are you interested in?

I'd also suggest tapping Mr Wah himself, of course, and perhaps old friend DrDogg might spare some writing time for something related to this game and scene, with which he has a good history.

Putting it out there..


Well-Known Member
Anything that can help bridge the communities and address any misconceptions about DOA.

IMO, the most important one would be an explanation of hold and stun to dispell the misconception that you can hold out of hitstun.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I hear you d3v, I have 4 articles in mind but it's just a matter of finding the time.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I can definitely write and I'm a stickler about grammar so I can also edit and proofread other people's work. I'm just not as knowledgeable on the games as I would like to be to actually contribute content. My attempt was to try and contribute by putting up some frame data but that's not going so swimmingly...

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I had passed off one of my article concepts to VP, but sadly he hasn't finished (started?) it yet as well haha.

In short: I'm a lazy mother f-, but am distracted with the new layout changes (for which I keep forgetting you guys are all on the old layout) and updates to the back-end of the site.

SC5 hasn't helped matters haha.