DOA5 after 6 months - what worked and what didn't?

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Well-Known Member

Frames are pretty relevant they are what make the game have any kind of speed. I know im being literal here so I'll make another point. Sweet Revenge may not know frame data but hes still good. Sure he knows some numbers. Who wouldn't when one has been playing for so long like him.

Even though he does not know numbers he knows whats punishable. That right there is using frame data. Just a different way of using it. You block a move and you know 100% of the time you can do "X" attack afterwards you're using frame data.

Also 5 being more attacker friendly there are multiple things wrong with that statement ill just point out one thing though. Frame wise it would appear theres a huge list of unsafe moves in this game. So not only do moves have more recovery but they kept the the grab speed from 4 similar almost.

Theres no Spread sheet of frame data for 5, so I dont frames like I did in 4. One things for sure Tina is unsafe as hell in 5. This is a character that use to be the safest in the game. If I remember correctly that is. Also Kokoro was on that list too she's unsafe as hell now.

All I can say is if I had internet I would like to play you. You would up my punish game.

Sam Sultan

Active Member
OMG can't believe i missed this discussion i think i could have contributed greatly in this conversation. As of now i really don't have the time to read through all the posts in here and think about them and then reply in a non offensive manner and without trying to offend people who don't feel the same way about the game as i do, unlike some people in here.
If it's about randomness of this game or how you are people trying to convince other people that there is only one way to fight in this game then let me just add this post that i posted in another thread in here:

I have always said that DOA is as random as you going to make it. If you gonna stand in each others face and just throw random strikes and hope that it hits then yes there will not be much of calculated damage rather than random damage caused by random strikes. You can also use your yomi and try to read your opponent and beat them without using other advanced stuff like spacing etc. However If you level up your game and start combining spacing and punishing with yomi then there really isn't any more randomness in this game than any other fighting game.

The problem is that other fighting games are forcing you to use the spacing and punishing game because of the lack of the universal counter system which we see in DOA. In DOA people are not scared to get hit by a devastating strike because they can simply counter the next move so people are less scared to get hit in DOA than they are in other fighting games. Due to this lack of fear of getting hit the spacing and punishing game is often neglected even at the top level and people will just take the hit and try to read your next move, see it coming or guess it and then counter it.

So if you ask me top level DOA play has yet to be achieved by more than just a few and i would hereby would like to appeal to the DOA community to start using all this other stuff that is part of the game like spacing,dodging and punishing, wiffing or crushing strikes and not wait and block or counter.

Due to the lack of top level play in Tournaments(not by all) the people that never played this game will also never start playing this game. Many players in tournaments(again not all) seem to stop doing the advanced stuff and just try and use their yomi to fight and i think this is due to nervousness. Because online they do space and punish while offline they stop doing all of that and just try to read there opponent.

Here is a match of mine in which i start spacing and punishing when im down 2 rounds just because before the two rounds i was not trying to space and punish and was just useing my yomi to win the fight. But after i got down two rounds i decided to no longer give my opponent free hits and stuns and started spacing and punishing. You can see the difference in the two play styles very well in this match.



I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
-Here lies the hidden obstacle. Doa itself never forced players to move beyond the basics. It took players like Mr. Wah, Rikuto, myself and many others to challenge each other and excel beyond what the game put infront of us. Like you said sam, it is all up to the players. I also dont believe we have reached the full potential of Doa5. There are still many techniques that need mastering.
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