Fighter's Fury interviews Yosuke Hayashi

Fighters Fury

New Member
Whadduppers. My name is Shelton and I am Editor in Chief for Fighter's Fury. We've been around for at least a year now and we've gone to several major tournaments interviewing several professional players. We started on YouTube and eventually went to our own site. A month ago, we had the chance to talk to Team Ninja's Yosuke Hayashi about DoA Dimensions. Hope you guys like it

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Hello Shelton,

Welcom to FreeStepDodge. Thank you very much for taking the time to ask Hayashi some questions. I enjoyed reading some questions he doesn't frequently get asked, "With DoA: D being on an handheld, do you think there will be a problem for this to be used in Tournament play @ majors?" and "What is Team Ninja’s views on the fighting game community as of right now?" in particular.

If you have a second chance of talking to Hayashi and would like some ideas for more hardcore questions asked to him about game changes and the like, feel free to ask this site. I'm sure some of us can give you some ideas and questions we would like answered :).

Also, I've moved this to the Dead or Alive: Dimensions board for categorization reasons.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the site and community.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
I would like to welcome you here to Freestepdodge as well Shelton. Thanks for the wonderful interview, and I hope you do get another chance at interviewing Hayashi. As Mr. Wah has stated, we would all be ecstatic in getting a more indepth dissection of the game.

Once again thank you, and continue doing the great work.

The HuBBs

Active Member
Welcome and thanks for the good interview.

As a tournament organizer I am very interested in possibly working with TN in having a DOAD tournament in hopes of regrowing the community. If you can help in some way of communicating that with Hayashi next time you interview him that would be smashing.


Well-Known Member
Hi Shelton! Great job on the interview. I dropped the tip to visit the circle of DOA sites and can recommend all of the above minds to provide info for further contact/interview with Team Ninja if you were to schedule one.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
To add to this topic, feel free to post any questions you've been meaning to have asked to Team NINJA. Perhaps Shelton would be able to forward some of them over to Team NINJA. Maybe we could even get a reply from them.

As a side note, try to not make them "Yes or No" questions, that way the team couldn't do a "cop-out" with a simple "Yes" or "No". ;)

For example:
The focus on attacks and stuns hurt the grappler class a lot in Dead or Alive 4. In earlier Dead or Alives, the grappler class would always have a one frame advantage in throws (4, 5, 6 initial frames compared to 5, 6, 7 for the non-grappler class) and their ground throw setups helped balance their lack of ability to perform juggle damage equal to the Striker classes. What changes have been done to Dead or Alive: Dimensions to return the grappler class to a viable class?

Being able to hold out of guard breaks, throw advantages, and the wall crumple nullified the danger from being put in these situations. How has this property been altered in Dead or Alive: Dimensions? A suggestion by many of the competitive players is to only allow Slow Escaping (Struggling) in these situations, how difficult would this be to implement?

In Dead or Alive 3 some characters had the ability to be at a Frame Advantage when their attack was blocked. These typically applied to the striker class of characters and allowed them to play differently from other types of characters - giving them a set of different strategies when compared to others. What is the possibility of the system returning to allow some characters to have these properties return?

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Another one:
Some competitive players felt that the Dead or Alive 4 wall game allowed too many defensive options for the player who was hit into a wall (Slow escaping during the wall crumple very fast, being able to hold off the wall crumple at any hit level, teching off the wall, and being able to wake-up kick during that tech at any of the three hit levels to name a few) where the offensive player's only option was to guard, hold, or throw. What changes have been done to the wall system to allow an offensive player the opportunity to continue an offense, while still giving the defensive player a chance to defend?

The speed to turn around guarding was heavily increased in Dead or Alive 4. In previous Dead or Alive iterations, the speed was ~6 frames; in Dead or Alive 4 the speed was ~2 frames. This caused issues with characters that required that level of strategy to get their opponent back-turned (Lei Fang and Bass for example), making their traditional strategies and moves appear useless at higher levels. What has been done to the turning around by guarding frames to provide such characters with viable strategies?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
  • Does DOA Dimensions have the ability to be patched? If so, would Team Ninja take more user input for character changes in a possible future patch?
  • DOA Dimensions has the potential to be the best DOA game in the series but it seems to be appealing more to the more casual fans of DOA4. What do you plan to do to appeal to the more hardcore players who have been playing the DOA games for much longer and more actively?
  • DOA4 and Dimensions both seem to focus a lot on the stun system, which forces a lot of guessing and makes them very unpopular with more hardcore fans who would prefer the more consistent gameplay of DOA++, 1, 2 and 3. Why did you choose to continue the focus on the stun system?
  • In a previous interview, you mentioned that you were informed that the counter system of DOA4 was too difficult. Who gave you this misinformation and do you agree with it? Why?
  • Would you consider going back to DOA3.1, the Japanese version of DOA3, as the basis for future DOA games? This would please many hardcore fans.
  • Why are non-grapplers (Hayabusa, Hayate, Kokoro, Raidou, etc.) the only characters to have unbreakable combo throws and why do they do as much damage as the breakable throws of grapplers, while also providing launching throws giving chances for juggling as well?
  • Why is the US getting the game so much later than Japan? Will Europe also see a late release?

Fighters Fury

New Member
Why are non-grapplers (Hayabusa, Hayate, Kokoro, Raidou, etc.) the only characters to have unbreakable combo throws and why do they do as much damage as the breakable throws of grapplers, while also providing launching throws giving chances for juggling as well?

LOL. When me and Perfect Legend was on a conference call with Tecmo Koei (can not go more detail with that) I posed this question. I play grapplers in almost all fighting games and I told them about how wrong this was.... Still waiting on an answer on this one... However TN is aware of this question. I also stated that DoA needs a TKD character added during that same conference call.

Im gonna pass these question over to Tecmo and see what happens.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Thanks Shelton. It's good to know that other people have the same questions. I personally tend to fall to grapplers in games, though typically pick a striker as a balance if I have the time. For example, when playing Guilty Gear I was using Chipp, Potemkin, Axl, and Anji. Street Fighter IV I used Guile and Makoto, and Street Fighter III I used Makoto and Alex. So yeah, it just seems offsided to me when you have a striker character not only be able to do an unbreakable combo throw, but to also get the option of doing a juggle from the throw as well.

I believe Bass is the only grappler in the DOA games that has had a launching throw (DOA3.1 / 3.2's :4::F+P:), but was taken out in DOA4 probably due to his :6::P::K: string used to relaunch in juggles - which was also taken out in DOA4.

Another issue this brings up, the input command for the throws that did equal the Izuna Drop damage. For grapplers, they in DOA2/3 they could at least buffer the crouching command while in an animation state (Bass :6:;k::2_:), but in DOA4 this option was removed and instead you were forced to get a grappler into crouching state first. However, the Izuna Drop and other unbreakable striker combo throws typically just need a half circle motion as well. Any way you stack it, it just seems like the true grapplers in the game are strikers.