Guaranteed Combos


Well-Known Member
sorry? i'm only trying to help.

higura, you can escape after the throw cancel, but if the :2::P+K: hits, then the rest would be guaranteed. also after they're launched, :K::K::K: , :H+P: does more damage and works on all weight classes.


Active Member
sorry? i'm only trying to help.

higura, you can escape after the throw cancel, but if the :2::P+K: hits, then the rest would be guaranteed. also after they're launched, :K::K::K: , :H+P: does more damage and works on all weight classes.
Yea I remember doing a few more K's before the grab was do-able. I just forgot how many k's you could do. I was going to say 4 but good thing I didn't ^_^
I actually didn't know that you can avoid the 2P+K after the throw cancel. I always thought it was guaranteed, since it always hits.


Well-Known Member
so i was messing around in training with brad and came across this.

the 'guaranteed' move:

bt :H+P::5::H+P:, :2::P+K:, :P:, :K::K::K:
the third kick of the natural combo launches. example combo: :6::K:, :2::P::K:

mix up:

bt :H+P::5::H+P:, :2::P+K:, :P:, :K::K::4:
this leaves you in dho and your opponent in red critical stun, from here you have a number of options.

if your opponent holds:
  • :H+P:, high offensive hold
  • :6::K:, mid kick launcher. example combo: :P+K:, :6::K:, :H+K:
if your opponent doesn't hold:
  • :2::K::5::H+P:, high throw
  • :6::6::P:, critical burst. example combo: :3::P+K:, :K::8:, :K::K::K:, :H+P:
  • :K:, high kick launcher. example combo: :K::K::4:, :P+K:, :H+K:
  • :P+K:, mid punch launcher. example combo: :6::K:, :6::K:, :2::P::K: (force tech, opportunity to continue throw loop if you re-enter bt)
  • :H+K:, jumping mid kick (leaves you back turned, opportunity to continue throw loop / stun game)
note that holding :4:to enter dho after the mix up is optional (at the expense of 3 frames). you could re-enter bt to continue the throw loop and go for another option, such as a critical burst if you think your opponent will try and low hold to avoid a second throw, or just the guaranteed damage itself.

ignore this part if your opponent isn't a cheater that exploits the game's flaws.

if they manage to get high counter blown by your bt :2::P+K:, chances are they'll try and mid kick hold, this is where you surprise them with your :P: faint stun. from here you can get a guaranteed launch or continue the stun game for a critical burst / another throw loop etc. and finally if they start holding low to avoid your high punch, simply mix it up with what they were expecting in the first place, :K::8:, :K::K::K:, :H+P:.

edit: never mind, looks like they can hold the kicks after the punch, not sure why i didn't test that before. the combo is still unstaggerable though.


Well-Known Member
I've used most of this in my play. Hence where the reset comes into play if you do get them to hold since you can go back into BT and do BT T.T again putting them back into the setup. The only thing you have to be careful of is them slow escaping. Unfortunately the moves after the BT 2P+K P aren't guaranteed but obviously that's where the mixup comes into play. For example if you do 1K2K after the 2P+K P and go straight into BT while they're being tripped you're at +3 and if they don't expect it you can automatically reset the situation. Just something I found. After the KK4 your best option imo would just be tp go with P+K and go or a FT theb either opening them up with 2H+K K or going for something like 8P or 6K if you've conditioned them to be looking out for your lows. Feel free to look at my vids if you guys want you'll see some of the mixup opportunities I utilize after BT 2P+K P. Lastly I wouldn't condone using this setup all the time but if you're needing to take a chunk out of their lifebar or get the kill with the reset and killing them with K8 KKK T. Its definitely a good setup to utilize.


Active Member
sorry? i'm only trying to help.

higura, you can escape after the throw cancel, but if the :2::P+K: hits, then the rest would be guaranteed. also after they're launched, :K::K::K: , :H+P: does more damage and works on all weight classes.

I was referring to this death combo on Live. And I'm trying to find the other death combo here as well. Gotta practice how to escape these murderous setups...

Too bad I couldn't offer you a better challenge today, but as I complained, I had some serious input lag and couldn't get any counters in in stun. Let's hope things have improved next time.