New Costumes of Last Round

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Number 13

Well-Known Member
Fishnets are not bad, but it has to be complimented with something for it to somehow work like his C1. Just a fishnet for his upper body is lame and would have been better off shirtless. His lower body pants color doesn't agree with me and doesn't work with the fishnet either.

Ein was considered "cooler" in the past games because he was the antithesis of Hayate. He wasn't a general prick like Hayate was during his amnesiac travels, he didn't wear traditional Japanese clothing/ninja garbs and preferred to wear more modern clothing/karate attire [not all of his outfits were fanservice if you looked at his past catalogue.], was a karate practitioner instead of another ninja, had one of the best themes, and can work with shades well.

I agree though for DoA 5 Hayate is much cooler in terms of costume distribution.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Wait Ein didn't get the cape? :/ That's surprising... and I wonder why did Christie get the costume she did when the game's art director supposedly liked another one? Or did she get both? I didn't watch most of the streams
She got only this one and she probably got it, because cyber suit Christie was in the voters' top ten and TN felt, it was the fairest choice.
They recreated all the top ten outfits by the way, except where two were for the same character (Helena and Rig), then they did only one of these.

Ein was considered "cooler" in the past games because he was the antithesis of Hayate. He wasn't a general prick like Hayate was during his amnesiac travels, he didn't wear traditional Japanese clothing/ninja garbs and preferred to wear more modern clothing/karate attire [not all of his outfits were fanservice if you looked at his past catalogue.], was a karate practitioner instead of another ninja, had one of the best themes, and can work with shades well.

I agree though for DoA 5 Hayate is much cooler in terms of costume distribution.

Well, Hayate finally embraced his inner Ein also in his ninja wardrobe. ;)

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Well-Known Member
4. Leon (bad-ass)
5. Mila (IMO suits her MMA meets fan girl persona!)

I applaud your good taste with 4, but I wanna slap the shit out of you for your reasoning of 5. Not faulting you for liking it just the reason doesn't add up. Thw outfit has nothing to do with mma or being a fan girl. Its just a camo pallets swap of the same outfit she already had 4 times over

Sorry I hate that one for so many reasons. And no, not one of those reasons is because mine lost.

I'm surprised they kept the fave covered too.

Is there anyone who doesn't like the Leon outfit, if so, why?
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Well-Known Member
My top 5:
1. Hitomi - Love this costume and it really fits her IMO, glad I voted for it can't wait to pick this with the ponytail.
2. Hayate - Hayate is getting some awesome costumes, I'm tempted to actually pick him up in Last Round.
3. Leifang - Ying Yang Leifang looks awesome in game and I assume it'll also look great with her new Hime-like cut :D
4. Kasumi - Best Kasu submission by far and it ofcourse got the special treatment :rolleyes:
5. Ein - for reasons I stated in a previous post.

Middle picks:
1. Leon - Marauder Leon looks badass, I don't play Leon but if I did this, Rambo and C1 would be all I'd pick.
2. Jann Lee - Simple but effective, reminds me of his previous tank costume but with a twist can't go too wrong.
3. King Bass - Bass is strutting champ like stuff, no more need be said it's a winner in my books.
4. Bayman - A pretty cool future soldier armour for the big guy, good to note that they gave him the beret version, full mask would have been cool too though.
5. Zack - Finally a decent costume for him, gets downgraded because TN refuse to give him hair/green goatees.

Bottom Picks:
1. Ayane - Not a fan of this costume much, it just looks strange on her and is totally different to her other stuff.
2. Marie Rose - Honestly, I feel this could have been better if the sock were both pulled up and instead of a leotard she wore something else.
3. Lisa - Yet ANOTHER Lisa costume... #BringBackLaMariposa2015
4. Hayabusa - looks better in game, but it's too unconventional and I personally don't see Busa ever wearing a costume like this.
5. Nyotengu - A FUCKING MAID COSTUME!!! 'nuff said.

All the other costumes I never listed - I like them but was too lazy to write them all down and why :oops:
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Well-Known Member
I applaud your good taste with 4, but I wanna slap the shit out of you for your reasoning of 5. Not faulting you for liking it just the reason doesn't add up. Thw outfit has nothing to do with mma or being a fan girl. Its just a camo pallets swap of the same outfit she already had 4 times over

Sorry I hate that one for so many reasons. And no, not one of those reasons is because mine lost.

No probs, I get it to each their own! And I get your frustration, hell, look at my worst list. I just like its on Mila, for me anyway (and probably only me) it fits her personality!

Loving the differences between most peoples picks! Really goes to show there is no one set way of designing this stuff for the community. Maybe cos (if you take a look at this site) the DOA fans aren't cookie cutter fan-boys! Everyone here is pretty creative and I love that!


David Gregg

Well-Known Member
My top 5:
Eliot (of course :cool:)

Bottom 5 for me:
Ein (the way it was executed)
Helena (I still couldn't understand all of the votes for this? :confused:)
Momiji (the way it was executed)
Nyotengu (seriously we need NECROTENGU!!!!!)


Well-Known Member
Why did Nyotengu get a maid costume? It's makin me think we haven't really seen her's yet idk it's just a feelin'.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Why did Nyotengu get a maid costume? It's makin me think we haven't really seen her's yet idk it's just a feelin'.

When they scrolled through her outfits, the slot where the fan outfit goes is a maid one instead. And I watched there's no other new ones from her selection.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Why did Nyotengu get a maid costume? It's makin me think we haven't really seen her's yet idk it's just a feelin'.
I wish so badly you were right.

Sadly, I believe that's all she's getting, since she was not in the first costume contest that most of the new outfits were pulled from.


Well-Known Member
Why did Nyotengu get a maid costume? It's makin me think we haven't really seen her's yet idk it's just a feelin'.
She hadn't been released yet when the first costume contest took place. Therefore, she has no entries from the contest to get a costume from, so they slapped a maid outfit on her instead.

I personally wouldn't have minded if they'd given her a costume designed for someone else, like what happened with a few characters during the Halloween contest. Although that seemed to be a bit controversial among some fans, which is probably why they're mostly sticking extremely close to the original designs for these, and giving everyone a costume that was actually designed for them.
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