Where do keep your eyes during a match?

Camel with 2 thumbs

Well-Known Member
On yourself, on your opponent, on the space between you? im curious

I find that in most cases I tend to watch both my self and the opponent


Well-Known Member
This is a no brainer for everyone who plays for the *cough* boobs *cough*.

In all seriousness, I keep my eye on my own character if I'm on offense, and my eyes on my opponents' character when I'm on defense. I usually look at the health bars when I juggle or am being juggled.


Premium Donor
I watch the opponent mostly, once you know your character decent enough you don't really need to watch your character as often. However, if I get stunned, thrown, or close to a danger zone, I'll focus on my character so I can carefully and quickly analyze as to how I'll get out of the situation. Health bars I glance at quickly every so often.


Well-Known Member
  1. In the Neutral Game I moniter the space in between us (however my eyes sometines glance at my opponent when necessary)
  2. In the Stun Game (when I'm the one doing the stunning) I keep my eyes on the Back Ground looking for Dangerzones and Slanted Surfaces.
  3. And if I'm the one being stunned then I keep my focus exclusively on my opponent.


Well-Known Member
-When i'm in offense i keep my eyes on my character and/or the critical threshold.
-When i'm in defense on the opponent's character.
-In neutral game on both characters, if there's too much space between them, i'll focus on the opponent movements.
I also pay attention to nearby danger zones/breakable objects.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Depends on the situation, really. If I'm on the defense, I keep my eyes on the opponent. If I'm on the offense, my eyes goes back and forth between my opponent and my own character, in order to see if my input was correctly recognized by the game, at the same time as I keep an eye out for holds from my opponent. I also watch out for walls and other danger zones during my offense in order to know what to follow up with. During spacing, I keep my eyes going from my character, to my opponent, then to the space between us, and repeat until I have to get back on either the offense or defense.


Well-Known Member
This is a question that I never really thought about and don't really notice, I would probably look at both my character and opponent especially when we're very close.

This does make me wonder, does anyone here actually get distracted when playing as or against a girl in skimpy costumes or are you able to ignore it?


Premium Donor
This is a question that I never really thought about and don't really notice, I would probably look at both my character and opponent especially when we're very close.

This does make me wonder, does anyone here actually get distracted when playing as or against a girl in skimpy costumes or are you able to ignore it?
I notice the costumes really only in the intro and win poses. Other than that, DOA moves too fast to actually look and say "Wow, that's some nice DLC Lisa is wearing" or whatnot in the middle of a match.


It's DOA! On the boobs obviously!

No but seriously, there is no right way to look at it, just do what works ^_^

Lady Tengu

Well-Known Member
My oppression all the time I know what I'm doing and where I am so there's no need to see my character. I take it as I am that person that I am that character if you will, so if I'm in a fight in perspective I don't need a mirror to see what I'm doing if I already know my "body" and its limits my eyes and attention are on my enemy.


Well-Known Member
For the most part I look at my opponent. I look at the health bars when I'm juggling/getting juggled and glance at them occasionally other than that to see who has less health.
This does make me wonder, does anyone here actually get distracted when playing as or against a girl in skimpy costumes or are you able to ignore it?
I get slightly distracted when I play Bayman in his fighter swimsuit honestly. But like Kasumilover said it's mostly intros/outros.


Well-Known Member
I mostly watch the gap in between so I'm seeing both characters in my peripheral, but always leaning towards opponent.


Active Member
I tend to try and watch where the opponents hands are so i can try and see where they counter it's dumb but i can't stop doing that, i just hope i can counter predict their counter and it has never worked for me yet, i keep doing it though xD


Well-Known Member
I tend to try and watch where the opponents hands are so i can try and see where they counter it's dumb but i can't stop doing that, i just hope i can counter predict their counter and it has never worked for me yet, i keep doing it though xD

Its actually a good habbit to have but A Character Like Brad Wong can blow this strategy right out of the water because his ands and Feet move with so unorthodoxically that I'd swear he was being controlled by some one else from the waist down.

To a lesser extent I've seen Jacky pull this off too.

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
About 2/3 of the distance between me and the opponent
I almost never look at myself
Glance at the health bar/message stack when I'm going for a CB
The opponent's limbs when they're attacking. Screw Brad though

does anyone here actually get distracted when playing as or against a girl in skimpy costumes
Only when I'm getting slapped around really hard and can do nothing but stare at the screen. But I guess popping a boner when you're losing is better than getting salty