Senran Kagura Series


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Well-Known Member
Btw seems seeing as there are no ninpos in this game, there will be 2 seperate versions of characters to choose from such as flat/busty Ryobi and brown/wild black haired Daidouji


Premium Donor
That's awesome! I can't wait to choose Happy Turn Ryoki and I do prefer Ryobi flat chested honestly, makes her more distinctive


Well-Known Member
Yeah her flat chest does make her special (tho tbh it made her look weird in SV)

The new stages look cool, and really interested in how the cards work

All of the new makeovers look nice (although I prefer Shiki's original look tbh, her hair and color was really nice + it makes her look much more valley girl like)

Speaking of Shiki, I still can't believe she's the youngest SK girl (especially considering Hibari, Mirai, Minori, and Kafuru)


Premium Donor
That surprised me too, but then again her voice sounds a lot more childlike in comparison to the other girls. And yeah, I prefer her original loose long french hime hair over this ponytail one, and I don't like the glasses either. I think her hair style is the only new one I actually don't like imo


Well-Known Member
True, she does have a very young voice. Also yeah I don't like this new hair style, not only does it not look right but it's yellowish as oppose to blonde. I mean same could be said for Ryona, but she pulls it of very well

Justice for Shiki's blonde long time hair


Btw, I hope we'll see more from customization. Even tho most of the pics show all the girls in pure white swimwear, it looks like we'll get other stuff (even things that aren't swimwear) in SKPBS


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Standard Donor
Pre Order Bonuses

  • If you pre-order the game (before March 15):
    • PlayStation Store-exclusive Pre-Order Bonus: “Everlasting Summer Camisole (Sky Blue)” Costume
  • If you purchase the game around launch (before April 17):
    • Yomi and Katsuragi’s “Cleaning Maid-san: Mint Marine” Costume & Skill Card Set – Includes set of two “Cleaning Maid-san Mint Marine” costumes and two “Cleaning Maid-san Mint Marine” skill cards.
The Nyuu Nyuu PlayStation Store Special Pack includes the following bonuses:

  • Original soundtrack, including the theme song
  • Nyuu Nyuu Special DLC Set
    • Costume: “Soaking Wet High School”
    • Costume: “Shining Rainbow Bikini Seven-Color Set”
    • Special Weapon: “Futomaki Bazooka”
    • Companion Card: “Bebeby-tan MK-II”
    • Skill Card: “Nyuu Nyuu DX Skill Card Set”
Additionally, PlayStation Plus members will get the following:

  • Bonus DLC Costume: “Polkadot White” (to be distributed from April 5 to May 9)



Well-Known Member
Pre Order Bonuses

  • If you pre-order the game (before March 15):
    • PlayStation Store-exclusive Pre-Order Bonus: “Everlasting Summer Camisole (Sky Blue)” Costume
  • If you purchase the game around launch (before April 17):
    • Yomi and Katsuragi’s “Cleaning Maid-san: Mint Marine” Costume & Skill Card Set – Includes set of two “Cleaning Maid-san Mint Marine” costumes and two “Cleaning Maid-san Mint Marine” skill cards.
The Nyuu Nyuu PlayStation Store Special Pack includes the following bonuses:

  • Original soundtrack, including the theme song
  • Nyuu Nyuu Special DLC Set
    • Costume: “Soaking Wet High School”
    • Costume: “Shining Rainbow Bikini Seven-Color Set”
    • Special Weapon: “Futomaki Bazooka”
    • Companion Card: “Bebeby-tan MK-II”
    • Skill Card: “Nyuu Nyuu DX Skill Card Set”
Additionally, PlayStation Plus members will get the following:

  • Bonus DLC Costume: “Polkadot White” (to be distributed from April 5 to May 9)


They used the two most boring basics to show the new outfits.

I don't think I'll preorder but I like how many outfits there is, hopefully even if they do customization dlc there's a lot already in the game, I think dlc characters is pretty likely as well which I'm fine with because it means more new wave girls can get in.


Well-Known Member
I didn't even think of it like that so yeah I guess diorama is a thing, I tried it I think only once in EV and wasn't amazing so just stopped.


Well-Known Member
Tbh it was to difficult for me so I stopped using it, but tbh the feature seems pretty fun





Btw Muramasa is really cute, I hope she gets added

She is part of the New Hanzo team and is a robot, she's also close with Hibari (Yagyu won't be to happy with that)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I found diorama mode to difficult to use but I like how creative people get with it, a lot of them are funny.

And yeah I like that android girl, it would be interesting to see how she'd act if people didn't know she's an android.