Final Fantasy Thread


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@Nikotsumi Wait wait, do you mean specifics? (serious question by the way) the screentime was a given harsh one, I definitely agree with you on that. Though when we are looking at the actual plot of things, most events prior to that changed quite a bit in the resulting outcome. Like example, we know full well that Noctis is terrible on his own without his companions. Not on a power scale type thing, but merely his direction and where he wants to go on added advice from his people. He's an individual who's absorbing things around him on what it means to be a king and the path that's given to him.

Least with Lunafreya, she provided a key element to change (which is without a doubt an important one, particularly the battle against Leviathan), but then things went on the flow of natural when she passed on so it's not consistent (guess that leaves the ending, that one is pretty vague given the circumstances). I mean if you look at it like this, Cosmos in Dissidia. If she dies, the whole hero cast goes along with her (that's extremely major) despite her screen time being extremely minor. See where I'm going with this?

To answer that last question, I think I know where you're going, but I've completely forgotten nearly everything related to Dissidia's story, so I'm a bit confused now lol.

What I mean when saying Luna is a really important character it that, regardless of her connection to Noctis, and even before the Leviathan battle, Luna goes through lots of big and important actual things related to the main plot, that are obviously off-screen, not to mention she's probably the only character who knew about the main villain and his intentions (and this is pretty big) and was trying to stop (as an Oracle) what he wanted to be spread, the starscrouge, which again was only known by her, well.... until her demise.
I don't see her only as a plot device and like she's only there as key element for other characters, though she definitely is in a way.
The outcome of the Leviathan battle, not only influenced the main character and helped him "growing", it's also the reason why the world ended up like that in the last chapter.
Her role, actions and intentions are directly tied to the plot and world of the game. But now that I think about it maybe her importance is given by the fact that other characters in the game do not have much depth.
Don't know if I really answered accordingly, since I kinda didn't get what you really meant/wanted to know (lol I know, should probably go to sleep).


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My Noctis hardly ever smilies... :(


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Never used or cared for him, but it's cool seeing him coming back.
And in a big way, after analyzing those improvements. Those amazing, vast improvements.

Everything this guy does is a viable threat now, no matter where the stage.

Aerial Thunder Crest feels too limited when stationery? Oh, we'll just move it around while it shoots!

Dreary Cell felt only useful if the opponent stood still? No problem. Now when your opponent is reeling from a previous attack, the Dreary Cell is guaranteed to hit if it connects!

Flare was awesome before. But you never seen a Flare moving at 3x speed while shooting projectiles during EX!

Oh, and you can stop calling Starfall "Shitfall", because now it can actually be used in a real match! It comes out instantaneously, and can be comboed with other traps. The only thing it sacrifices is the stage-wide AOE, and now targets a single opponent with better accuracy.

@KasumiLover69: Leonardo and the other Ninja Turtles are just beginning their own adventures. It's gonna be a while before we see him kick some shell here. And show some respect for Emperor Mateus; he's one of THE best villains in the entire series, hands down. Don't be fooled. Popularity isn't everything.


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I guess Sephiroth will tie me over then...well at least until someone with longer hair and better looking comes along XD Oh and a hime cut and heels?? I'd drop him like a combo then ☆.☆


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I don't really care for any of the characters of those super old FFs, since I didn't play them and never will. :/

I also seriously wonder if they plan to release the game in this year on PS4. I kinda doubt it...


Well-Known Member
And in a big way, after analyzing those improvements. Those amazing, vast improvements.
Everything this guy does is a viable threat now, no matter where the stage.

Aerial Thunder Crest feels too limited when stationery? Oh, we'll just move it around while it shoots!

Dreary Cell felt only useful if the opponent stood still? No problem. Now when your opponent is reeling from a previous attack, the Dreary Cell is guaranteed to hit if it connects!

Flare was awesome before. But you never seen a Flare moving at 3x speed while shooting projectiles during EX!

Oh, and you can stop calling Starfall "Shitfall", because now it can actually be used in a real match! It comes out instantaneously, and can be comboed with other traps. The only thing it sacrifices is the stage-wide AOE, and now targets a single opponent with better accuracy.
I can just remember a couple of his moves, but it sounds like they greatly improved them, maybe a bit too much [?]

I don't think this game will release this year either, but whatever..... where's Yun- *gets shot*

On another note, there's a new timed hunt in FFXV, which rewards you with 20.000 exp, 777.777 gil, 5 Oracle coins and 500 AP.
As I expected, no unique enemy again, just some
Malboros near Cape Caem, meh. I'll take that 500 AP and bye.
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they need to stop playing games and announce ultimecia aka the queen dissidia already

Her brea... nvm... The real MVP goddess of the playboy mansion herself, Fran! She is the real one that needs added first.

Also ( don't crucify me old school FF fans ) but since I haven't played the really old ones, and I'm not interested in these characters these reveals don't do much for me.


Premium Donor
...who would you rather have instead of the diva, the debutant, the Dame, the diamond Fran herself?

( besides Noctis oh course. )
I honestly would rather have Cardi B
maxresdefault (7)-1.jpg

Or even!!!

But I can only dream :-/ Like I said a while back, FF doesn't really have any main female protagonists that I like, Terra is ALMOST there but her hair is a mess >_> And I dislike Lightning and the other girls in Dissidia atm, this is the first game I've ever played where there were no women who met my strict criteria