Final Fantasy Thread


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Yeah I ignore tier lists and based assumptions on characters, I use who I like which explains Lili, Naotora, Ein, Phase, etc. who are considered the worst characters in their games although I use a few high or top tier characters but it's only fortunately and not intentional XD I do not give one fuck, just about their appearance. Also Is sephiroth considered a good character? I assume he is because of his range

You say you ignore tiers but asking if Sephiroth is a good character? heh.

Anyways to answer your question, Sephiroth was always good, top 10 character in fact going by Dissidia Forums. However he was considered as a hard character to play with along with Gabranth and ExDeath. He's more towards the reward factor for being difficult to play (However in my opinion, I feel he was easier to play with). In Dissidia you'd have to already know how to play the game to give mama's boy a whirl, but because Dissidia is now officially a team-based game no one truly knows how he will fair up against the cast until people actually try the game or even new changes. More players in a match increases the difficulty of the match much higher, therefore harder to determine who sucks or who doesn't because your buddies can carry you whether you are having a hard time or not.

But from the looks of the recent arcade videos, it doesn't seem like any of them are bad.

He's easier to play, but he's nowhere near as good as he was in the patch he was released on.

They nerfed the range of his BRV attacks considerably, because even for a Heavy class character, he was dangerously close to being a Speed type with too much good range, which would've made him not fun to play. Now he's above average.

Shoot type characters like Terra, Mateus, Shantotto, etc. still give him a hard time.

Yeah, I heard he was nuts pre-patch. Too bad we can't witness it on hands heh.
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Premium Donor
You say you ignore tiers but asking if Sephiroth is a good character? heh.

Anyways to answer your question, Sephiroth was always good, top 10 character in fact going by Dissidia Forums. However he was considered as a hard character to play with along with Gabranth and ExDeath. He's more towards the reward factor for being difficult to play (However in my opinion, I feel he was easier to play with). In Dissidia you'd have to already know how to play the game to give mama's boy a whirl, but because Dissidia is now officially a team-based game no one truly knows how he will fair up against the cast until people actually try the game or even new changes. More players in a match increases the difficulty of the match much higher, therefore harder to determine who sucks or who doesn't because your buddies can carry you whether you are having a hard time or not.

But from the looks of the recent arcade videos, it doesn't seem like any of them are bad.

Yeah, I heard he was nuts pre-patch. Too bad we can't witness it on hands heh.
I just ask because I don't want him being completely useless like say Ryona in SK XD


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Lol. "All" the characters on the new Dissidia are pretty good so far. Highly doubt any of them would be useless since 6 characters on screen is incredibly random with sparks flying all over the place.


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Most cases, people only drop characters because they either get nerfed or don't get buffed. That's the high common reason. If you like the character like a loyalist (same as me, I don't drop characters because of tiers since we all get nerfed at some point). If you like a specific FF character, then good.


Well-Known Member
All I know is if they add 3 characters per series then VII needs Tifa, XIII Serah, XV Aranea and X Yuna/Rikku

They should switch up Jehct with Seymore as X's Antagonist too Seymore seems like he'd be more interesting


Well-Known Member
If there's only gonna be 3 for example per series then out of what I've played I'd want -

FFX-2 ( I guess would be together? ) Tidus is already in so I'd want Yuna and Rikku ( but there needs to be an antagonist so ) Yuna and Seymour.

FFXIII-2-LR Lightning, Serah and Fang ( realistically though yet again Caius would take Fang's )

FFXII Queen Fran, Vann and a villain from it.

FFX Noctis, Ardyn are both pretty obvious but then I'd say Aranea.
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Well-Known Member
I guess Serah works since her weapon offers two fighting styles but her as a character is just...meh. I'd rather Caius take her place.

Yunalesca seems up TN's alley, wonder if they'd ever throw her in the new dissidia.


Premium Donor
I guess Serah works since her weapon offers two fighting styles but her as a character is just...meh. I'd rather Caius take her place.

Yunalesca seems up TN's alley, wonder if they'd ever throw her in the new dissidia.
I love serah...She was basically a cuter more better lightning imo. I liked the darker gothic Lolita version of her in LR, that'd be a great alternative costume. I also liked Noel too, he was who I shipped with Serah back in 8th grade when I first saw the game informer cover story of the game.


Well-Known Member
I love serah...She was basically a cuter more better lightning imo. I liked the darker gothic Lolita version of her in LR, that'd be a great alternative costume. I also liked Noel too, he was who I shipped with Serah back in 8th grade when I first saw the game informer cover story of the game.
Have you played XIII? If not it would make sense why you like Serah over Lightning. If you only played XIII-2 or LR I guess it'd make sense to like Serah better as well since they butchered Lightning's personality in both.

I didn't like Serah or Noel but they definitely should have been a couple over Serah and Snow. Serah and Snow made no sense (that poor tiny girl with "Mr. 33cm?" jesus) and it seemed like the only time Snow cared about her was when she was gone in XIII and LR.


Premium Donor
Have you played XIII? If not it would make sense why you like Serah over Lightning. If you only played XIII-2 or LR I guess it'd make sense to like Serah better as well since they butchered Lightning's personality in both.

I didn't like Serah or Noel but they definitely should have been a couple over Serah and Snow. Serah and Snow made no sense (that poor tiny girl with "Mr. 33cm?" jesus) and it seemed like the only time Snow cared about her was when she was gone in XIII and LR.
I haven't played any FF game on console beside FFXV XD. I just like Serah more appearance wise, I haven't watched any game play but from pics alone I knew she was definitely my type, plus I think Laura Bailey voiced her too....I love her voice! And her darker form in LR was instalike since I love darker characters like her...have you seen her render??? It's like Hope's LR render, they look so broken and lowkey detached and evil ♡.♡

Noel I thought was the best male character next to Hope, I never liked nor cared about Snow in the slightest. Same with Lightning, although it's mainly that she's unremarkable imo which is sad since she's supposed to be the main protagonist of that game saga. Sorry, but the hair and costume don't grab my attention. Now if she looked like 2B then yeah we'd be talking XD
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Well-Known Member
I haven't played any FF game on console beside FFXV XD. I just like Serah more appearance wise, I haven't watched any game play but from pics alone I knew she was definitely my type, plus I think Laura Bailey voiced her too....I love her voice! And her darker form in LR was instalike since I love darker characters like her...have you seen her render??? It's like Hope's LR render, they look so broken and lowkey detached and evil ♡.♡

Noel I thought was the best male character next to Hope, I never liked nor cared about Snow in the slightest.
I played LR I'm familiar with her. IIRC (spoilers) Lumina is a mix of Serah's heart with a twisted version of Lightning's childish emotions that got removed then they materialized as a person. So you're looking at both Serah and Lightning in that character.

If you're basing everything on appearance I don't think you really can say who's the best character. Who's the hottest sure but appearance doesn't make them a good character. Like I think Snow is the most attractive of the XIII-2-LR cast but he's imo the worst character in it


Premium Donor
I played LR I'm familiar with her. IIRC (spoilers) Lumina is a mix of Serah's heart with a twisted version of Lightning's childish emotions that got removed then they materialized as a person. So you're looking at both Serah and Lightning in that character.

If you're basing everything on appearance I don't think you really can say who's the best character. Who's the hottest sure but appearance doesn't make them a good character. Like I think Snow is the most attractive of the XIII-2-LR cast but he's imo the worst character in it
Well honestly I can't judge who I think is hot in this game saga of FF. Serah is cute but I wouldn't call her hot, same with Hope, he's not only like 14 but he's more cute than hot. Noel I GUESS I could say is attractive and his outfit is cool too. I like them more for their Noel, whom I only judged based on looks and haven't actually seen him or heard him in action.(Sorry if this seems rushed, I ordered extra chicken fingers and I'm eating and surfing the Web at the same time XD)

I am drawn to certain character types tho so that's a major factor in whom I choose to like


Well-Known Member
Have you played XIII? If not it would make sense why you like Serah over Lightning. If you only played XIII-2 or LR I guess it'd make sense to like Serah better as well since they butchered Lightning's personality in both.

I didn't like Serah or Noel but they definitely should have been a couple over Serah and Snow. Serah and Snow made no sense (that poor tiny girl with "Mr. 33cm?" jesus) and it seemed like the only time Snow cared about her was when she was gone in XIII and LR.

... Serah and Snow =

You aren't slick Serah, I know why you wanted him and it certainly wasn't for his personality...

Can't blame her though.

I haven't played any FF game on console beside FFXV XD.

You should play them, they were great.

Noel I thought was the best male character next to Hope, I never liked nor cared about Snow in the slightest. Same with Lightning, although it's mainly that she's unremarkable imo which is sad since she's supposed to be the main protagonist of that game saga. Sorry, but the hair and costume don't grab my attention. Now if she looked like 2B then yeah we'd be talking XD

... But didn't you just say you've only looked at images? Its hard to understand much about a character from just looking at an image of them. Anyway you should play them they were great.


Premium Donor
... Serah and Snow =

You aren't slick Serah, I know why you wanted him and it certainly wasn't for his personality...

Can't blame her though.

You should play them, they were great.

... But didn't you just say you've only looked at images? Its hard to understand much about a character from just looking at an image of them. Anyway you should play them they were great.
I've seen images only of Serah and Noel, I've watched gameplay of lightning tho as well as that scene where Vanille comforted Hope, that's probably my favorite scene from the videos I watched because of some of the subtle fanservice from both of them as well as the whole all for one and one for all vibe it gave me. I like moments in games like that where it's like the characters are truly connecting.