Final Fantasy Thread


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Yeah I only watched a couple seconds and skipped between the video, From what I heard though the music is really good, I didn't see much though. And yeah If it's 2-3 hours I hope the dungeon is really good.


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So it comes out on the 28th and will take about 2 to 3 hours to complete. I thought it would take longer like an open world. I'll watch the footage now.

Of course it was going to be just 2-3 hours. It's just a chapter that they cut out of the main story, not a real expansion. ;) Well, I don't know if they cut it out to sell it, but an at max 3 hour episode was exactly what I expected. It's "just" 6$/€. Of course it isn't bigger in content at that price point..

A 4chan rumor says the dungeon will however be playable in the main game too, for everyone who purchased it, just without the boss.

I'm going to take a look at the 15 preview minutes. I'm actually not sure if I will buy it yet. I'm pretty much done with FFXV. Especially now after the miiiiiiles better Horizon Zero Dawn.

Edit: Watched the whole thing. It looked pretty terrible, to be honest. Looks like running down an unremarkable corridor, stopping to fight enemies, cheap cutscene, running down the corridor, stopping to fight enemies, cheap cutscene and so on.
Also the music is unbearable. D: What happened to FFXV's beautiful music?
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Link me the battle theme plz (I'll send you a smiley if Gilgamesh is somewhere in there).

EDIT: Nevermind, saw early gameplay.
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Official Illustration for Episode Gladio:


They overdid Gladio's expression a tad. It looks almost painful. D:


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New Episode Gladio trailer:

Wait a sec, did they seriously spoil the final enemy/twist of the DLC in the last second of that trailer? o__O'

Lol, he's using a stone pillar to beat up enemies. That's even more manly than Chris Bolder Puncher Redfield. XD

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He's not wearing red, no giant-ass swords, no multiple arms. Even Type-0 Gilgamesh is 1000x times better than that......


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He's not wearing red, no giant-ass swords, no multiple arms. Even Type-0 Gilgamesh is 1000x times better than that......

If you pay attention to the last second of the trailer...
...Gilgamesh doesn't matter anyway. Cor is the final boss, lol.

Why would they spoil that, lol? XD


Well-Known Member
If you pay attention to the last second of the trailer...
...Gilgamesh doesn't matter anyway. Cor is the final boss, lol.

Why would they spoil that, lol? XD
Yeah I watched it 'till the end.
I'm glad that Cor is actually the final boss because that THING (not even gonna call it Gilgamesh) is not worth of it.
Spoiling it was a pretty weird decision on their part lol.


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Yeah I watched it 'till the end.
I'm glad that Cor is actually the final boss because that THING (not even gonna call it Gilgamesh) is not worth of it.
Spoiling it was a pretty weird decision on their part lol.

I'm pretty sure Gilgamesh will grow in arms and swords over the course of the episode. You fight him with one arm already at the beginning of the episode. I bet he returns several times, gaining several arms, making it harder each time.


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Okay I'm playing FFVI and I paid Shadow 3000GP to join me after Terra goes MIA. I leave the village I found him in, two overworld random encounters later he leaves. "I think I've earned my fee" bitch no you didn't Sabin's fire dance did all the work in those TWO fights


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He's not wearing red, no giant-ass swords, no multiple arms. Even Type-0 Gilgamesh is 1000x times better than that......

Believe it or not but I actually am quite fond of his design slightly in FFXV lol, it reminds me of FFVIII's version a bit though minus the colors. Feel you there though.

One thing to note (which I have to agree with FF forums about this) is that Gilgamesh lacks substance here. It just doesn't pale in comparison to the Gilgamesh at all or it's some alternate reality Gilgamesh playing a role in a story, It might as well be a completely low tier version or a pseudo of the real one since Gladio beats him on his own. While I can understand that Cor is a major focus here because he's important to this DLC in general, this goes to show that Gilgamesh should just stick with being an optional superboss in post-game dungeons/DLC while making FF references, breaking 4th walls, and challenging him with full party members against his true strength. If people really wanted that guy to be story material then they might as well draw the one from Bartz's game or the one where he comes out of the rift to challenge you (rift one is the dimensional traveling Gilgamesh landing on different FF games, which is the real one).

Sweet character design though +1 on that (opinion of mine), and it's a good thing that whatever Gilgamesh made a return as a unique character either way. I am glad he didn't return as some generic Iron Giant from what we saw from the scans, in reality Gilly should of been the final boss but it makes sense to a degree that it's Cor due to story, would of been perfect if it was switched.

EDIT: Also I hear Yuko's Clash Of The Big Bridge theme, which is hailed one of the greatest battle themes in FF history period.
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Well, I can't argue on the design, but just name it differently, not Gilgamesh.
I really hope it ends up transforming somehow, otherwise I'll be pretty disappointed lol. And yeah, there's also the chance of it being an low-tier alternate Gilgamesh that plays a role in the story, which they already did with Type-0, it had two of them (a l'cie and the six-armed one).


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Well, I can't argue on the design, but just name it differently, not Gilgamesh.
I really hope it ends up transforming somehow, otherwise I'll be pretty disappointed lol. And yeah, there's also the chance of it being an low-tier alternate Gilgamesh that plays a role in the story, which they already did with Type-0, it had two of them (a l'cie and the six-armed one).

I agree with you yeah. Good catch on that.


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Final Fantasy XV's infamous Chapter 13 will be "fixed" in an update this month!

In short, they'll overhaul some game mechanics, let you also play Gladiolus and they add a couple of cutscenes regarding Ravus and Aldercapt...
The details you'll find inside the spoiler:

Gameinformer: So there is an update planned for this month that includes enhancements to chapter 13. So before, obviously, it was just Noctis by himself, kind of alone without the powers of his weapon summoning abilities. But what we’ve done for chapter 13, is we’ve added a separate route for Gladio and Ignis after they get split off from Noctis, so you actually get to play as Gladio, and see what happened from their side of things until they reunited with Noctis. You’ll see some additional cutscenes [that] just show you what took place while Noctis was kind of on his own. You’ll get some actual gameplay with the party of Gladio and Ignis together. You’ll see what happened to Emperor Aldercapt and Revis, and where they ended up being during the whole time. These are just the supplementary scenes that were added into chapter 13, and that’s just for chapter 13. But aside from that, we’re overhauling the ring magic, so the three spells that you could use with the Ring of the Lucii, those are completely powerful now, like super powerful now. So those are some other things to look forward to.