Final Fantasy Thread


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Yuna: Willing to go through a long difficult journey to ultimately sacrifice herself so the people in the world can feel safe for a few years, turns her back on established doctrine and forges her own path when she learns the truth. Brings an everlasting calm (I am not gonna count that 2.5 and -will- bullshit as canon) to the people of Spira despite them turning on her like 5 minutes ago
Kasumilover69: Meh I'm not attracted to her
Well, what I meant is that they should have put a more "iconic" character instead of Eiko, and what you've listed doesn't change that, still feel that Dagger or Steiner should have the priority. Not that I'm not happy with her addition since it puts her a bit in the spotlight. I was kinda fond of her character and as you said she did pretty awesome things, plus she was super useful in battle lol.

How dare you.
oh yeah i forgot well written characters aren't your thing silly me
... Mccuse me? Yuna's the real mvp what didn't you like about her? Chapstick went over it but she goes through a lot during that series. Tidus is the protagonist but she has a huge part in the story. I'm happy I played X and X-2 and Yuna was one of the great things about it.

Then again you didn't like the other queen Fran so I'm not shocked.
I can't help it >.> Her looks don't catch my attention, I always judge by looks, case in point this queen:

When I first saw her, my eyes went from her heels to her legs to her dress to her figure and then her hair and then...that beautiful bitchy expression on her face ♡.♡ I never saw her in action at the time since I was 8 and didn't own T5DR but I had it set in my mind that I'd main her whenever I could....when I got T6 4 years later I dropped Xiaoyu for her and never looked back. But yeah, Fran is just a mess in design, I don't like her, Vaan is better imo appearance wise and Tidus seems more relevant imo than Yuna, but that's just me.

@Aerospark I do like well written characters >.> See??


These characters I judged based on appearance at first and then I judged on personality tho, that's how it's always been. if I don't like the appearance I'm immediately turned off and don't look into them any further


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@KasumiLover69 You are kinda missing out on Yuna. I made a post about this involving the theme Via Purifico and her, also known as the Path of Repentance. I'll copy what I wrote about it way back.

"At first I was surprised when I first played this part of the game as Yuna alone. I feel like this theme perfectly displays Yuna's inner turmoil when the theme first played in that area. With the trust in her religion shattered, she wanders through a dark maze filled with fiends until she regroups with the only people she can trust her life to. Branded as a heretic for the teachings she devoted her entire life into peace and following in her father's footsteps, as well as feeling into more sadness of her father who sacrificed himself to eliminate Sin for no true reason and unknown by him that Sin was eternal. This was pretty rough."

I think the issue here is that you are providing taste outside the boundaries on determining what's a good character or not.


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I can't help it >.> Her looks don't catch my attention, I always judge by looks, case in point this queen:

When I first saw her, my eyes went from her heels to her legs to her dress to her figure and then her hair and then...that beautiful bitchy expression on her face ♡.♡ I never saw her in action at the time since I was 8 and didn't own T5DR but I had it set in my mind that I'd main her whenever I could....when I got T6 4 years later I dropped Xiaoyu for her and never looked back. But yeah, Fran is just a mess in design, I don't like her, Vaan is better imo appearance wise and Tidus seems more relevant imo than Yuna, but that's just me.

@Aerospark I do like well written characters >.> See??
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These characters I judged based on appearance at first and then I judged on personality tho, that's how it's always been. if I don't like the appearance I'm immediately turned off and don't look into them any further



Active Member
I've never seen a person determine such much with his dick alone before.

That being said I liked Rikku more than Yuna, lol. Both queens though.


Well-Known Member
I can't help it >.> Her looks don't catch my attention, I always judge by looks, case in point this queen:

When I first saw her, my eyes went from her heels to her legs to her dress to her figure and then her hair and then...that beautiful bitchy expression on her face ♡.♡ I never saw her in action at the time since I was 8 and didn't own T5DR but I had it set in my mind that I'd main her whenever I could....when I got T6 4 years later I dropped Xiaoyu for her and never looked back. But yeah, Fran is just a mess in design, I don't like her, Vaan is better imo appearance wise and Tidus seems more relevant imo than Yuna, but that's just me.

@Aerospark I do like well written characters >.> See??
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View attachment 22796

These characters I judged based on appearance at first and then I judged on personality tho, that's how it's always been. if I don't like the appearance I'm immediately turned off and don't look into them any further


So much wrong in one comment.

Like destruction bomb said you really are missing out on some great characters If you just look at Yuna and Fran and decide that because your not attracted to them that they aren't worth looking into more than that. ( and when I, chapstick, aerospark etc talk about Fran being a queen we mean more than her appearance. ( which to make it clear, is fierce mama *tongue pop* ) )


Well-Known Member
... Mccuse me? Yuna's the real mvp what didn't you like about her? Chapstick went over it but she goes through a lot during that series. Tidus is the protagonist but she has a huge part in the story. I'm happy I played X and X-2 and Yuna was one of the great things about it.

Then again you didn't like the other queen Fran so I'm not shocked.
To me, Yuna was actually the real protagonist of FFX, as I felt more attached to her than Tidus, and besides Tidus wasn't really good as a protagonist imo. I probably already mentioned it before, but she's actually my favorite female FF character if not my favorite FF character period. I don't even see anything wrong with her appearance, she's wonderful.
She's great in any way.

Also, I don't like Fran as you (guys) do, but she was pretty cool.


Premium Donor
I've never seen a person determine such much with his dick alone before.

That being said I liked Rikku more than Yuna, lol. Both queens though.
Shut up cooking mama, and keep your snide as fuck comments to yourself, that's not what I meant, so quit always shooting me down like a fool. I judge based on appearance, not whether or not said character gives me a boner or not, I'm not that disgusting and a wrench like you shouldn't ever think of me in that disgusting manner...
ANYWAY, can't wait for that DFF console release date...when it DOES come XD I'm buying day one! And I may go back and play the older titles and see the characters, it's just a matter of me having time to buy them and actually play them xD


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Personally, I liked FFX Yuna as well as Jecht. Jecht is the only character in the FF universe to go on a journey with Braska barefooted, that's fucking nuts.


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okay children we were just throwing healthy shade no need to start a war

but yes we are all buying DFF when it comes to console day one, hour one. i don't make the rules we're all collectively taking our asses down to gamestop and picking it up. remember that rumor that dissidia was launching this month? ;;


Well-Known Member
*inserts reaction gif with some obligatory on topic text*

So uh FFVI has some great pixel art


I have no clue why they made the overworld 3D though it looks terrible


Premium Donor
Here's the point: broaden your horizons @KasumiLover69 you're really missing out with that criteria that a character has to be attractive to you to be worth your time

Also "Shut up cooking mama" is one of the funniest things that has ever been said on this site
I'll probably change my tune whenever i do get the game for myself, TBH when I first saw Nier Automata I didn't care for the game since I thought 2B was just a pretty face, but when I saw that launch trailer....yeah, that's why I hardly slept last week. XD

And I apologize, I'll be frank, I don't particularly like cooking mama as I'm sure he doesn't like me. But anyway yeah I'll probably open up when I do get the games although it'll be a minute, plus I'm very picky with which games I get for my backlog, I only own like 6 PS4 games: SKEV, KOFXIV, FFXV, DOA5LR, Nier automata, and some other games I got free. I'll have to watch older trailers


Well-Known Member
What this thread needs, Let Latrice save you and remember... Jesus is a biscuit -
tag yourself.

PS: Is it bad that it took me a moment to realize what the roman numerals were... I didn't go to school for maths.


Well-Known Member
I'll probably change my tune whenever i do get the game for myself, TBH when I first saw Nier Automata I didn't care for the game since I thought 2B was just a pretty face, but when I saw that launch trailer....yeah, that's why I hardly slept last week. XD

And I apologize, I'll be frank, I don't particularly like cooking mama as I'm sure he doesn't like me. But anyway yeah I'll probably open up when I do get the games although it'll be a minute, plus I'm very picky with which games I get for my backlog, I only own like 6 PS4 games: SKEV, KOFXIV, FFXV, DOA5LR, Nier automata, and some other games I got free. I'll have to watch older trailers
FFX/X-2 HD on PS4 is pretty cheap these days and those games are long so they're a good value. They did a great job imo with the remaster too. Combat's turn-based tho but it gives you infinite time to think out what you want to do (only in FFX but FFX-2 has a wait mode iirc) which I like but if you're used to action games like those you might not


Well-Known Member
Yeah the remaster was great for just having it all in one place, It might take some adjusting to though @KasumiLover69 cause I remember when I went from XIII to FFX I found it strange at first, Then I continued playing it ( after some advice ) and actually ended up loving it! :D ( And completing it a bit fast but never mind that ) FFX-2 I had bigger problems with but I was able to eventually do that game as well. Paine's snark in that one is great. There's let's plays of them as well.

Also who here completed FFXII because as fabulous as Fran is goddamn that game kicked my ass at every turn!