The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


Premium Donor
Truly the most beautiful ants! :)

I've got interesting news... I've blasted Street Fighter V a long time for it and it finally happened: They fixed the ugly, dark dithering that was plastered all over the character models in the PS4 version. Well, at least they fixed it in the PS4 version of the new beta (why is there a new beta? The game is already out over year now.)
As a reminder, this is the dithering effect I am referring to:



Here's how the game looks now:





(Screens by Teepo from Neogaf)

No crude dithering to be seen anymore.
The game is obviously still no beauty on PS4, but at least they got this most glaring issue fixed.
To think that when I was addressing the issue before people actually said to me: A) The dithering is intentional for that comic book look and/or B) The PS4 isn't powerful enough for higher resolution shadowing.

Man that new guy Ed is hot...him, Kolin, and Karin were gonna be my mains but just never got the game


Premium Donor
To bad you can't change that art style.

I can't wait for him to turn grey to finish his transformation into a rock. :p
That's the only thing I don't like about the the faces, muscles, curves and stuff but the models and even the hair look so strange and like ethereal clay and it gives me this claustrophobic feeling...they should've used something a bit closer to Tekken and avoided that nasty clay look


Well-Known Member
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To bad you can't change that art style.

I can't wait for him to turn grey to finish his transformation into a rock. :p

The art style is indeed...something of an acquired taste. :/ I actually like/liked the general direction...the problem is they simplified the style more and more (due to technical limitations?) each time they showcased the game again. Now the characters really look like crude clay figures with blurry textures. When the game was first revealed the characters had much more detail, better textures and were better lit.



But I can see how even then people found them unattractive. Those overexaggerated proportions, like giant hands and feet. :/

By the way, what do you guys think of the art style of the upcoming Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite?







Well-Known Member
Yeah I do think that thew artstyle is an improvement over SF4's at the very least. And it did bring us #hotryu so there's that too.

The new marvel vs capcom game actually looks okay, I'll keep an eye on it for certain Capcom characters I'd enjoy seeing in the game. There's quite a lot of cool Marvel characters too I suppose. I know all the characters that are shown in those images anyway.


Premium Donor
I think the art style is bad, Chun Li looks watered down in comparison to SFV and her leg looks deformed and her arms look strange, and the dress looks oversized as if she dropped 40 pounds and couldn't find a better fitting dress

I think they're testing out a different Chun li model to see if they can possibly improve the SFV one, tekken did that in revolution where they changed the female faces to see if that would make them look better and DOA always does that when they port their girls in games, Ayane in Dead or Alive 5, X3, and Musou stars is like three different characters with how much they change the face models and body proportions


Well-Known Member
Okay one thing I'll say is seriously everyone reading this scroll up to that image of Chun Li... Her leg below the knee looks fine and then once you get above the knee suddenly it's huge and the proportions are mental. Everything else looks fine but that just looks strange.


Premium Donor
It's definetly a bit more blurry in the second one...i hope the day one patch today removes it, it kinda looks weird


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Standard Donor
I hope the day one patch today removes it, it kinda looks weird


They cannot just "remove" the poor image quality and overall poor graphical optimization. Tekken 7 was made primarily for PCs (the arcade version runs on PC architecture too) and the current consoles can't compete with that raw power. There has to be a downgrade. A significant downgrade in this case. This is basically Street Fighter V all over again... (Funnily enough not just in the graphics department but also due to lack of content.)
Now, fighters like Injustice 2 show that you can circumvent these downgrades and that you can have 60fps games that look absolutely gorgeous on consoles, but they have to be build and optimized from the ground for consoles....and best not use UE4 but a better optimized version or an entirely different engine, like the very capable id Tech Engine or Frostbite Engine, which are doing wonders on consoles in 60 fps, like in Doom or Battlefield.

Let's just hope DOA6 and Soul Calibur 6 will be console exclusives first and best be using a custom made graphics engine. :/
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Premium Donor

They cannot just "remove" the poor image quality and overall poor graphical optimization. Tekken 7 was made primarily for PCs (the arcade version runs on PC architecture too) and the current consoles can't compete with that raw power. There has to be a downgrade. A significant downgrade in this case. This is basically Street Fighter V all over again... (Funnily enough not just in the graphics department but also due to lack of content.)
Now, fighters like Injustice 2 show that you can circumvent these downgrades and that you can have 60fps games that look absolutely gorgeous on consoles, but they have to be build and optimized from the ground for consoles....and best not use UE4 but a better optimized version or an entirely different engine, like the very capable id Tech Engine or Frostbite Engine, which are doing wonders on consoles in 60 fps, like in Doom or Battlefield.

Let's just hope DOA6 and Soul Calibur 6 will be console exclusives first and best be using a custom made graphics engine. :/
As long as Kasumi has ass like this I'll be all good!



Premium Donor
Yeah, I know. That was literally what I was saying to @Chapstick the other day. ;) guys talk about me??

And I'll take some screens of my customs later today and put them here since I'm kind of avoiding the Tekken and Senran Kagura thread for personal reasons, I may even upload a video of me and my sister playing but idk, I won all our fighting game fights for the past year and idk if she wants me uploading her like that

Also wouldn't mind Eliot having an ass like that either...


Well-Known Member
Apparently there's spoilers in the Tekken thread right now anyway so it's probably a good idea to avoid it for now. Don't really mind for Tekken right now and lol at Kasumi's ass taking up half the page. I'm sure they'll consider taking the improved "assets" ;) from doax3 and improving on them from there for doa6.


Premium Donor
Trust me if I worked as an assistant for team ninja, I would get the game selling! There would be nip bumps, better muscles and abs, longer thicker hair and bigger boobs and butt and butt physics, and characters would scream and curse cry put in agony if you overkill them

Oh and I would voice an ultra sexualized and perverted male character and I would be overtly sexual!


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Trust me if I worked as an assistant for team ninja, I would get the game selling! There would be nip bumps, better muscles and abs, longer thicker hair and bigger boobs and butt and butt physics, and characters would scream and curse cry put in agony if you overkill them.


Nah...I am actually very, veeeery glad you are not working for Team Ninja. XD


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So, Overwatch has a new stage coming out soon, the Horizon Moon Colony. I decided to take some pictures, because I think it's super cool.







While I think this partucular stage looks a bit bland and empty, I am overall a big fan of Overwatch's visual design and character designs. I'd describe them as pretty, vibrant and perfectly mainstream. Yeah, mainstream can be a good thing. ;) The art just speaks to a lot of people, like a Disney or Pixar movie does. I think I'm going to buy the art book:


There's no Germany and France in the OW universe, lol? XD There's not really much space to the north of the Iberian Peninsula. I can however make out the UK off the coast of Spain very faintly...

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