The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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Tekken 7 on PS4 Pro:



Eugh...that heavy and unsightly use of film grain. D: And remember, this is 1080p resolution on PS4 Pro and 900p resolution on the standard PS4, so it will look even grainier and blurrier than this for most.


Well-Known Member
Lol I'm pretty sure he just wanted to trash its visuals a little bit more. :p

Edit: yep lol

Also I'm SO suspicious of where that image of the guy is from.


Well-Known Member
So the game does indeed have some color and contrast. The images KasumiLover posted appeared all very washed out and dull. Is it because Chapstick's is the PS4 Pro version or did you @KasumiLover69 tinker with the contrast setting in your game or PS4?

The game looks kinda nice there. :)
Yeah how did you get the game looking like that that??
I doubt it's because mine are taken on a pro, that would be crappy of them to keep all the saturation for the pro version lol

@KasumiLover69 do you use a USB or do you upload the pics through twitter? I use a USB and the PNG setting in the screenshot options
And nice pics, 2B looks so professional and 9S looks so Eliot-type cute in those pics, although A2 and Simone are my favorite girls in the game
Still not done with 2B's route so I have a while until I can use A2
Also I'm SO suspicious of where that image of the guy is from.
I can't believe Tyaren is a russian collaborator ): you think you know someone

Edit- I can't believe how much the guy in the bara is going to make at his new job


Premium Donor
Omg no lol! XD Although the backwards laugh does have some strange uncanny affect to it. :p

The one Kasumi posted of the black and white guy.
Oh that's from a bara hentai thing i read where a guy works as a male hostess at a restaurant. That pic is when he finds our how much the job pays

@Chapstick I just upload to Twitter since I don't own a usb atm


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Lol I'm pretty sure he just wanted to trash its visuals a little bit more. :p

By the way, I don't just want to trash Tekken 7 a little more, but I was honestly a bit shocked of its terrible image quality. :p And that on PS4 Pro.
I was interested in direct feed footage for a long time after only seeing bullshots or badly compressed Youtube videos of the game.

I don't know what it is with 60fps games using Unreal Engine 4 and consoles... They look so underwhelming and poorly optimized. Street Fighter V is another prime example. When you on the other hand look at Unreal Engine 3 games, like Guilty Gear Xrd and Injustice 2 (Yep, it actually still runs on the old version) they look so much better on consoles.

The absolutely gorgeous looking Batman Arkham Knight by the way also used Unreal Engine 3 instead of 4 and at release it looked actually better on PS4 than on PC:

I think by now they patched the game to actually make better use of the more powerful PC hardware.
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Well-Known Member
I doubt it's because mine are taken on a pro, that would be crappy of them to keep all the saturation for the pro version lol

@KasumiLover69 do you use a USB or do you upload the pics through twitter? I use a USB and the PNG setting in the screenshot options

Still not done with 2B's route so I have a while until I can use A2

I can't believe Tyaren is a russian collaborator ): you think you know someone

Edit- I can't believe how much the guy in the bara is going to make at his new job

Oh that's from a bara hentai thing i read where a guy works as a male hostess at a restaurant. That pic is when he finds our how much the job pays

@Chapstick I just upload to Twitter since I don't own a usb atm

Yep lol that's what I was thinking in my head what it was, not very shocked based on the art that I was correct. Although that's almost wholesome that its just shock at a paycheck.

Three figure some every week? He could not believe it.

And I wasn't talking about Putin lol! XD

By the way, I don't just want to trash Tekken 7 a little more, but I was honestly a bit shocked of its terrible image quality. :p And that on PS4 Pro.
I was interested in direct feed footage for a long time after only seeing bullshots or badly compressed Youtube videos of the game.

I don't know what it is with 60fps games using Unreal Engine 4 and consoles... They look so underwhelming and poorly optimized. Street Fighter V is another prime example. When you on the other hand look at Unreal Engine 3 games, like Guilty Gear Xrd and Injustice 2 (Yep, it actually still runs on the old version) they look so much better on consoles.

The absolutely gorgeous looking Batman Arkham Knight by the way also used Unreal Engine 3 instead of 4 and at release it looked actually better on PS4 than on PC:

I think by now they patched the game to actually make better use of the more powerful PC hardware.

I remember Arkham Knight/city was terrible on PC for a while but I'm guessing that's fixed now. ( lol their names are too similar so that might not be even the same game lol )


Well-Known Member
Still the most beautiful video game...







At every turn you get another picture perfect post card view.

I never did find those "most beautiful ants" :p

True though, Horizon is absolutely gorgeous and after playing it I'd now love to see a lot more dedicated photography modes in games.


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I never did find those "most beautiful ants" :p

True though, Horizon is absolutely gorgeous and after playing it I'd now love to see a lot more dedicated photography modes in games.

OMG, I almost completely forgot your malicious slander of the game and its graphics before you got to play it yourself. O:
Well, at least you know now you were terribly mistaken. What a relief...

You really never saw them in the game? XD There are actually several of those ant trees to be found. The most obvious one is right next to you (and the camera even zooms in on it) when you get to control Aloy for the machine hunt tutorial with Rost.
At 28:13 onwards:


Well-Known Member
Lol yes I wasn't going to bring up my slander of the game but yes I realized i was gravely mistaken when I saw it for myself. :p it really was insanely gorgeous. And nope if I remember correctly I never saw them, oh well lol.


Premium Donor
Kasumi on Friday when I take a week away from her to hang with Lili

I can't wait to take screenshots when Tekken 7 comes out plus I have to make thumbnails for the videos I'll post like the Nier one I did


Premium Donor
My girl told me some walmart's were selling them yesterday. But I'm too lazy to run my ass down there so i'm waiting till friday like a good lil sloot
Same with me, although in my case it's because I preordered at Gamestop and I called earlier to see if they had copies but they claimed they didn't so I'm kinda stuck for the next several hours but hey it'll be worth it!

Can't wait to play my Queen and King!

Hopefully the line won't be long because I'm not featuring that, no sir


Well-Known Member
Okay lol so I went back to where the ants apparently were this entire team and finally saw them! :D I took photos but they're pretty blurry but at least I have finally seen the most beautiful ants now!

I also included another photo too just cause... Why not? :p





Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Okay lol so I went back to where the ants apparently were this entire team and finally saw them! :D I took photos but they're pretty blurry but at least I have finally seen the most beautiful ants now!

I also included another photo too just cause... Why not? :p




Truly the most beautiful ants! :)

I've got interesting news... I've blasted Street Fighter V a long time for it and it finally happened: They fixed the ugly, dark dithering that was plastered all over the character models in the PS4 version. Well, at least they fixed it in the PS4 version of the new beta (why is there a new beta? The game is already out over year now.)
As a reminder, this is the dithering effect I am referring to:



Here's how the game looks now:





(Screens by Teepo from Neogaf)

No crude dithering to be seen anymore.
The game is obviously still no beauty on PS4, but at least they got this most glaring issue fixed.
To think that when I was addressing the issue before people actually said to me: A) The dithering is intentional for that comic book look and/or B) The PS4 isn't powerful enough for higher resolution shadowing.

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