DOA6 Graphics Thread


Well-Known Member
I think the sweat and illumination looks awesome in this pic. Look at Brad face and forearm *o*


Well-Known Member
And like I guessed, you can actually throw your opponents down the stairs! I didn't imagine that the stage would feature a second floor though, I thought it would start in some kind of platform in construction and then you'd send your rival down the stairs onto the actual big part of the museum where Gambler's Paradise is lol. So cool! Can't wait to play in this stage. It's also nice to see they've recreated the cars' danger zone!


Premium Donor
And like I guessed, you can actually throw your opponents down the stairs! I didn't imagine that the stage would feature a second floor though, I thought it would start in some kind of platform in construction and then you'd send your rival down the stairs onto the actual big part of the museum where Gambler's Paradise is lol. So cool! Can't wait to play in this stage. It's also nice to see they've recreated the cars' danger zone!
I don't think you can throw your opponent down the stairs actually, Emperor Cow said there's a fence of some sort blocking the stairs. I think its gonna be handled like Temple of the Dragon where you have to wall splat your opponent on the fence and it'll break and they'll tumble down the stairs. I don't understand why we can't have stage throws tho, unless it's because some characters have more throw damage than others(This was the case in Dimensions since Bass has insane stair throw damage)


Active Member
okay come through 9 pages of in-depth graphics discussion. y'all mentioning stuff i didn't care to notice or think about but now i feel so educated. got me liking comments like a bot binch. also gagged and gooped by the hints of slang here and there that you hefers were using that my gayass can relate to. there was tea, there was shade, there was pink lemonade. yasss. now if i could get my friends on my main sns handle to get off ariana's disnik for like a second, play doa then join fsd, i know they'd like it here. :)

a take away from reading through the thread is doa stays being THAT binch when it comes to aesthetically pleasing visuals. on the new blood feature, i find the facial animations leading up to the bleeding funny. it's the blood texture that lowkey bothers me. luckily the bleeding isn't paired with swollen facial features that overly distorts the characters faces atm so i'll just dissociate when i see the blood and get over it or something. i don't know. haha.

also one of my friends on my main sns pointed out the weird composition of this brad and eliot pic. he basically said it looked like brad was grabbing eliot's junk. ASDLSLHLSDF. i mean... at firat glance maybe but not really. crop the image though and voila: brad and eliot went from serving cool action scene to softcore double entendre realness. :p (also maybe tone down the shade of eliot's hair? i know it's always been bright but...)grabbing some nuts (from the bar).jpg


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okay come through 9 pages of in-depth graphics discussion. y'all mentioning stuff i didn't care to notice or think about but now i feel so educated. got me liking comments like a bot binch. also gagged and gooped by the hints of slang here and there that you hefers were using that my gayass can relate to. there was tea, there was shade, there was pink lemonade. yasss. now if i could get my friends on my main sns handle to get off ariana's disnik for like a second, play doa then join fsd, i know they'd like it here. :)

a take away from reading through the thread is doa stays being THAT binch when it comes to aesthetically pleasing visuals. on the new blood feature, i find the facial animations leading up to the bleeding funny. it's the blood texture that lowkey bothers me. luckily the bleeding isn't paired with swollen facial features that overly distorts the characters faces atm so i'll just dissociate when i see the blood and get over it or something. i don't know. haha.

also one of my friends on my main sns pointed out the weird composition of this brad and eliot pic. he basically said it looked like brad was grabbing eliot's junk. ASDLSLHLSDF. i mean... at firat glance maybe but not really. crop the image though and voila: brad and eliot went from serving cool action scene to softcore double entendre realness. :p (also maybe tone down the shade of eliot's hair? i know it's always been bright but...)View attachment 26827
Please, why did you have to share this pic, now you’ll have certain Eliot lovers jerk off to this picture. Lmao


Active Member
LMAO! well, to be fair, they've improved their facial expressions so the pic is equal parts suggestive and equal parts relevant to the graphics topic. everyone wins. :D

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
the cawadoody stage in doa5 is the last thing i'd call "unforgettable"...
anyway, a few things jumped out when i was watching the trailer

noticeable aliasing everywhere
0:22, heavy shadow flickering in the back
a lot of the stage textures are quite blurry, stretched out and overall low quality. especially 0:26, what the HELL is that? there were better looking ps2 games out there. i'll take the excuse that it's a big stage with lots of transitions, but still.

oh and unrelated, but this might be the first memorable song in doa6.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
noticeable aliasing everywhere
0:22, heavy shadow flickering in the back
a lot of the stage textures are quite blurry, stretched out and overall low quality. especially 0:26, what the HELL is that? there were better looking ps2 games out there. i'll take the excuse that it's a big stage with lots of transitions, but still.

They are reusing over a decade old assets after all...
What also caught my eye: The lighting in that stage is incredibly flat, at least in the video. In the screens it looks a bit enhanced (bullshots?).
After the initial lighting downgrade for the game's second big showing back on EVO the game hasn't really recovered/improved. It just does not look good. It looks off, flat and unatmospheric. DOA5LR, while using way less advanced lighting technology, felt more natural and atmospheric. They knew how to work around limitations.
I am a bit worried at this point...release is in two months.
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Well-Known Member
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News Team
the cawadoody stage in doa5 is the last thing i'd call "unforgettable"...
anyway, a few things jumped out when i was watching the trailer

noticeable aliasing everywhere
0:22, heavy shadow flickering in the back
a lot of the stage textures are quite blurry, stretched out and overall low quality. especially 0:26, what the HELL is that? there were better looking ps2 games out there. i'll take the excuse that it's a big stage with lots of transitions, but still.

oh and unrelated, but this might be the first memorable song in doa6.

None of the trailers have come out fully optimal, but at every passing event people that have actually played the game have had nothing but good things to say about how it has improved.

I love how you call Hot Zone a Call of Duty stage and then proceed to say it wasn't memorable... because of that I guess. Disagreed.