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Well-Known Member
Um I'm scattered dreams >.> I only play DOA for helena. More of a Tekken fan than DOA fan. More of a DOA fan than soul calibur (until SC5) and more of a KOF fan than any. First community was DOAC then DOAW but, still go to both.

Moeru Wa

New Member
If you guys need a web programmer & graphics designer let me know.
  • Logos, Forum Themes, Banners, Posters(tournament/events), Youtube/JustinTV/Twitter layouts ect...
  • Marketing, SEO, New Members ( you choose you're target Audience ) ect...
  • Codes in HTML & PHP...

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Sounds awesome Mr. Wa ;). I could use some help possibly designing a new logo or alternate skins for the site if you want to help out with that.


Sup. HokutoNoBen, here. DOA: Dimensions has done its job of reminding how much I actually missed DOA in the decade since I last played DOA2 Hardcore intently, so I'm actually looking forward to DOA5.

On another note, your Mr. Wah and I actually go back quite a bit together, to our college days. Some years later, I guess I could stand to take him up on his offer to learn this game. :)

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Sup. HokutoNoBen, here. DOA: Dimensions has done its job of reminding how much I actually missed DOA in the decade since I last played DOA2 Hardcore intently, so I'm actually looking forward to DOA5.

On another note, your Mr. Wah and I actually go back quite a bit together, to our college days. Some years later, I guess I could stand to take him up on his offer to learn this game. :)

Haha, I was thinking it was you. UMBC right?


Active Member
Um I'm scattered dreams >.> I only play DOA for helena. More of a Tekken fan than DOA fan. More of a DOA fan than soul calibur (until SC5) and more of a KOF fan than any. First community was DOAC then DOAW but, still go to both.

Helena fetishes are quite common. I guess its something to do with skintight opera themed outfits that draw the weirdos out of the woodwork lol.

BTW Ore wa OSTCarmine des. First time on any DOA forum, although I used to have an account on Shoryuken... they did not like me at all

Also, KOF rocks the house. Looking forward to getting KOFXIII next year

x Sypher x

Active Member
Hello everyone! I'm new to FSD but not to the DOA community. I joined DOAC first and now I've decided to check this out. I'm Sypher btw. You may also call me Nate, as in Nathan. Some of you know me, most of you probably don't. Either way I'm just glad to be a part of this community :)

If anyone would like to play me sometime just hit me up. GT is my username. Ryu is my main, always sporting his demon costume. I'm a pretty well rounded player, and I've been lucky enough to play a few of the top players here. Although there's still room left for improvement. Feel free to school me once in a while lol.

x Sypher x

Active Member
I might sign up there eventually too. I just recently checked it out and it looks like a lot has happened since I last visited the site. I don't read the news very often though, I usually like to visit the forums mainly.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
You are already signed up there, DOAC and Tkplayers are linked together. But ok, good to see you around and being active.


Hi I'm RyuJin and I hope to make many new friends here. I'm new to fighter games so I hope you all will teach me tons ^^

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Wow, doesn't even sound like the old DOA2 player RyuJin. We're going to get some confusion from the OGs over you haha.