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  • Alpha is fun to use......... YEAH I SAID IT!!! COME AT ME Alpha haters.
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    Reactions: Jaguar360
    Shell never be too good!!!!! YOU ARE LIES!!!!! Lol but in all seriousness, i agree shes cheap (especially being a frequent BURST baiter myself), but using her against anyone that knows how to deal with her is a ridiculously hard thing to do other than in severe lag situations. Her lack of a wakeup outside of her special one can really sway the entire fight against her.
    Tbh leon versus alpha has to be my Favorite MU in the game. Me: cap can't touch any buttons for 20 seconds.. HA you did something unsafe , you're going on a ride alpha. Alpha: oh crap no wake up kick, gotta mash, crap he did an unblockable.. -gets up mashing-oh crap he did a guard break.. -finally tries blocking- oh crap he threw me I'm dead..
    alpha's wakeup options literally are 7p, 2p and 7k or you just block lol
    Really getting tired of these bitchboys online and their god's gift to online mentalities. Some of these dudes need to get over themselves.
    Yes I understand why they say online doesn't matter it's just annoying and foolish for them to say how much it doesn't matter then complain all the time. They even created a sect of people who've never played offline that complain about how bad online is. It's like it's now cool to berate online or something.
    It's not intended to be insulting anyone who tries to play the game properly online but is more a knock on how retardedly bad the netcode is. I bitch all the time about online, but I never insult any player that tries to play the game properly even if they only play online.
    Insulting online after losing to someone who plays online.. is basically insulting the player by saying they beat you only because it's online. EVEN if that's true does that mean you (using you as a generalization) must say it every time you lose? Marvel has garbage netcode and yet I hear less people complaining when they lose there than here lool.
    If Phase 4 is as execution heavy as everyone is saying, i need to DL her asap. I love high execution characters.
    So, its my b-day today. Hopefully ill get Phase-4 sometime in the near future. Curious to know how she plays compared to Alpha and kasumi.
    GGs to hajin. My confidence in this game is crushed right now. I was annihilated by the most ridiculous pressure ive ever encountered.
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    Reactions: AkaShocka
    Other than that, the neutral poking is actually fine and I was rather impressed with that. You just seemed to get so hesitant because you're not used to dealing with pressure.
    And yeah shocka. It was more of a combination of pressure and spacing, but mainly the pressure. I had no idea what to do.
    @Aka: My spacing and footsies is pressure lol. But I have other forms of pressure in CQC as well.
    Getting caught in never ending story stun strings even when i DONT try to hold out of them makes me sick sometimes.
    Want to play this weekend?
    Id love to play you. Sorry for the late response, had to go in to work. I play on psn under the psn Killa_Ironheart.
    Even though ayane is one of my best, i feel like im not using her right at all. I dont know what to do.
    If you complain about Hitomi and Alpha but then immediately run to Gen fu or Sarah, f**k you and everything you stand for. YEAH I SAID IT
    Hitomi is the true Online Champion.
    Christie deserves an honorable mention, however, due to the fact that she can literally win with 6PPP mix-ups (mid, low or tick throws) and nothing else, due to the fact that none of those are reactable online due to the delay window.
    And also because she can mash P at -14 and still CH you.
    Press 6PP~ to win! -_-
    Spam your way to victory!!!
    So i kept seeing new costumes for kasumi and wondering why she was getting so many. They were really Phase 4. lol I fail for that.
    And yet Kasumi still gets more costumes than everyone else anyway, even not considering Phase 4's. lol
    Anyone know of any good hayate players ? Im trying to relearn him and my mind is going blank on his bnbs.
    My issue is solid characters are getting nerfed when either they should be left alone or added to. Once again, he's fine but he was fine before and until people are going to show me convincing evidence that in Vanilla, you just couldn't win against him or even in 5U, I'm not gunna believe it. That's total horse shit.
    If you don't get it, Hayabusa didn't have anything overpowering with 66K, 6P+K4/Ong 6P4, 33P4 frame traps yet his advantage still got dropped. Why? Yea people out there are still winning with him but why was that necessary?

    Same situation overall. It's an annoyance.
    I love how this turned into a book/sitcom
    Bought USF4 and now i have money left for either a SF4 costume pack or 2 DOA costumes. Can't decide what to do
    Seems like ill never get the headband title. But if i do, ill take it as a sign i will drop everyone im using and focus on akira again.
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