Recent content by Kevo

  1. Kevo

    Currently trying to expand our circle...

    I'm looking to get some matches in with some other players. Feel free to add me GT: II KEV0 II
  2. Kevo

    Who is your main(or best) DOA5 character?

    My main has been Kokoro for years. My secondary is Lisa
  3. Kevo

    Xbox Live Match Finder

    I'm looking for people to play with. Send me a friend request GT: II KEV0 II
  4. Kevo

    So who's calling in sick tomorrow? :P

    I was planning on skipping classes tomorrow until one of my professors said there was going to be a quiz. I can't afford to miss out and let my grade go down. So that plan got shot down real fast. Oh well. I've waited 7 years for DOA5. I can surely wait a couple hours tomorrow.
  5. Kevo

    Best character remodel.

    From DOA4 to DOA5, I see a very big difference visually. They all have great re-models.
  6. Kevo

    Feature Request Main and Secondary Characters in profile

    I'm all about this. Love the idea
  7. Kevo

    [Sep 28, 2012] Season's Beatings: Ascension (Cleveland, OH)

    Thanks for the info. I'll have to look into that
  8. Kevo

    East Coast Gamers

    Stow, OH North of Akron by ten minutes. South of Cleveland by like 20-30
  9. Kevo

    [Sep 28, 2012] Season's Beatings: Ascension (Cleveland, OH)

    Might be attending. I live about a half hour away from Cleveland. This would be my first ever tournament. I don't really know anyone though and it wouldn't be much fun to go alone.