Omega SYSP
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  • I think i play doa more than anyone lol! Its crazy ! I never get tired of learning new ways to play the game
    As a Hayate player i dont other hayate player utilize his 2p enough ! Its great when going up against a grappler!
    I think i like kasumi... like ALOT! she is so flashy and fast and beautiful!
    • Like
    Reactions: Chaos
    And shes scary to fight against o_O well..more annoying than scary.
    Did the A.I really just force tech me O_O !!! THIS PATCH IS AWESOME! I can kinda practice for real! Its actuall
    I had a hard time finding simple and ranked matches AGAIN today... :(. I dont want to wait in a crowded lobbu
    Omega SYSP
    Omega SYSP
    Thanks rikuto! Im not usually on late past twelve anyway i just post really late :p. I dont know anything about net code but that sounds like a good idea! When i put it on 5 bars i can NEVER find an opponent lol
    I put it on Any connection & region. I actually find it easier to find people to play on PSN then XBL, particularly Japanese players.
    Having written that, I try to make sure there's no more then 4 players in a room, including me... 6 on the outside.
    Thanx for what you wrote. Is her CB considered a GB move in 1.03A?
    Omega SYSP
    Omega SYSP
    Yeah ONLY if your health bar is flashing red, but i believe it unsafe :(
    I also replied to what you wrote on the vid. I gotta see what other moves are safe with her. Luckily (or unluckily depending on how you look at it), it's a fairly small list of moves :|
    So if not flashing red it's not a GB now? Guess that explains some matches post 1.03 patch. Were power blows always counterable? Pre-latest patches I tried a few times & they still got the move off, I simply block it now if I can, but it leaves me open to throws.
    Im gettin the patch later tonight! Like 11ish tonight! I hope its all its cracked up to be... ive been waiting what seema like forever
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    Reactions: Brute
    It's pretty radical.
    Still havent got a chance to download the patch! I will soon tho
    Doug Nguyen
    Doug Nguyen
    What are you waiting for!! Get to it! So far i like the patch a lot.
    When the fighter pack comes out will someone please post a video showing them off ?! On here or youtube would be nice !!
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