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  • With my 30 minutes of free time, do i get on pc and risk it all trying to find someone? Or just play something else..
    Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey =/
    I... don't like the direction it's going. I'll just stick to the HQ animated series instead.
    Margot though <3
    Safe to say my gaming days are coming to an end. Rarely play DoA, was excited for season 3 tekken 7 despite not playing it yet, no longer playing SF, and rarely playing my casual games. Might play some Control, GOW, or Overwatch but never more than a hour
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    Reactions: Legendary Goken
    I'll still browse around here from time to time because I live for these status updates /Kappa. But as far as gaming. Casually, I'll always game, competitively; trying to learn and keep up can be time consuming.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Legendary Goken
    Legendary Goken
    Happens to the best of us bro. Competitive gaming is not an ideal way of living all the time.
    You pull back to strive and learn in other things that will make you grow as a person, then you come back to visit and appreciate your past with a new perspective :)
    Serious question. How Helena pull out a gun on Kasumi in DoA4 but didn’t shoot Christie after finding out shit killed her mom? Where’s itagaki??
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    Reactions: Mama
    Probably because she didn't have it anymore, that and the ass whooping Kasumi exacted her on probably taught her better xD That and she probably wanted to kill Christie with her bare hands in that moment, and she's gone through character growth since then so I doubt she would want to incriminate herself and risk tainting DOATEC's image.
    the building is burning and she want quick solution
    we'll go ahead and suspend belief since it was entertaining. esp more than what we got now
    twitter: *If you don't know who terry bogard is you hate Mexicans*….. Me: "Closes laptop"
    "If you don't know who Terry Bogard is you hate Mexi..." *Chucks laptop into Lake Ontario".
    They're all making themselves look like idiots and the SNK fans started it really. Straight out just insulting the Smash community because they don't who a fictional character is, instead of informing them on where the character comes from.

    I get that mocking the Smash community has become the new fad on FGC Twitter but damn, people are just being unreasonable now.
    Yep, I agree, that's enough internet for today and yes, I'm actually serious about it (ok, maybe also because I'm tired after work but I'm not 100% sure about that).
    People calling terry bogard "hat ken". I'm pretty sure that's Robert Garcia (Although robert is better, because that dive kick is too good). lol silly smash players
    • Haha
    Reactions: Force_of_Nature
    Better gameplay-wise? Or character's approach as a representative entirely?

    If it's the lower, Robert is nowhere near that caliber, but yes, silly Smash players.
    hmm eddy didn't get too many changes. Happy they made one his force crouch moves + on block. Curious about some of his CH changes. Anna got buffed slightly. Julia's changes seem neutral.
    A fourth Matrix is coming? How does that even work?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    that's a good point, at the end of revolutions the machines stop attacking Zion and the people who want out of the Matrix are given the option to leave, so there really is no immediate conflict at the end of the trilogy, my only guess is that m4trix will focus more on post war human scuffles
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    maybe not eveyone is happy the war is over so they try and start sum shit, maybe there are humans who believe life is better in the matrix so they want everyone to stay plugged in, stories like that. but at the ending of revolutions the oracle and architect have sum super ominous dialogue which hints at the peace achieved is temporary so maybe it'll be humans vs machines all over again in m4trix
    I guess premium tickets are okay, giving players on PSN the option to buy what they want. I still want be purchasing any, so meh..
    that derpy rock paper scissors mechanic (reversal edge) is getting removed in season 2 of SCVI. Bless team project soul for listening to their community.
    can't remember the last time i've played a COD, but I might try out this modern warfare remake until Halo: infinite. Not enough traditional shooters. No, Apex (as fun as it is), and fortnite do not qualify.
    I still adore Overwatch even though it’s over three years old at this point. Definitely not “traditional” though.
    Fortnite is trash
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