DOA5 and Sexualization: Too Much?

Has Team Ninja gone too far with DOA5 in regards to sexualization?

  • Yes, completely. They really need to back off.

    Votes: 59 33.7%
  • Well, borderline. They should be careful.

    Votes: 42 24.0%
  • I dunno. Whatever.

    Votes: 18 10.3%
  • Not really, no. They're good at the rate they're going.

    Votes: 36 20.6%
  • Not far enough, I say! Full speed ahead!!!

    Votes: 20 11.4%

  • Total voters

His Reverence

Papa Reverence, the Ayane Enthusiast.
Premium Donor
In short, no. It is a video game, a form of fantasy and entertainment. It is not real life, nor does it depict characters as such.

When it comes to "taking DOA seriously," again, it is a video game. It is nothing but a fantastic hobby.

Tom Lee said it brilliantly: "We think our audience is intelligent enough to distinguish reality from fantasy." - Paraphrasing.

He could definitely be wrong, though.

When it comes to DLC you disapprove of, do not buy it. Do not buy those beach clips if you do not agree with it. Do not buy costumes you disapprove of. You, as a consumer, have the highest authority when it comes to money. Keep in mind, you are not the only folk who love DOA. If TN keeps releasing sexy DLC, that obviously means that folk are buying said DLC. This implies that there is an overwhelming silent majority that votes with its wallet. This is the free marketplace at work.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
In short, no. It is a video game, a form of fantasy and entertainment. It is not real life, nor does it depict characters as such.

When it comes to "taking DOA seriously," again, it is a video game. It is nothing but a fantastic hobby.

Tom Lee said it brilliantly: "We think our audience is intelligent enough to distinguish reality from fantasy." - Paraphrasing.

He could definitely be wrong, though.
that doesn't justify the blatant sexism in this game though :I

His Reverence

Papa Reverence, the Ayane Enthusiast.
Premium Donor
that doesn't justify the blatant sexism in this game though :I

I know a lot of female players who spam sexy costumes on their mains. Out of curiosity, what is sexist? The "objectification" of women? ...what about restraining women's sexuality? I know many women love the idea of being confident with their bodies, who are strong and respected individuals.

DOA characters are just that. Strong and sexy.

There seems to be a separation in the feminist idiology.
Sex-positive feminists and sex-negative feminists (Puritans.)

So when you say "blatant," it really isn't.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I know a lot of female players who spam sexy costumes on their mains. Out of curiosity, what is sexist? The "objectification" of women? ...what about restraining women's sexuality? I know many women love the idea of being confident with their bodies, who are strong and respected individuals.

DOA characters are just that. Strong and sexy.

There seems to be a separation in the feminist idiology.
Sex-positive feminists and sex-negative feminists (Puritans.)

So when you say "blatant," it really isn't.

There's nothing with being sexy and strong. But DOA is a fighting game, of course the females are going to be strong. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense. Team Ninja has this "attractive women only titties only sorry lol oops we forgot these females had personalities" attitude that basically degrades every single one of their female characters.

And nothing in DOA is restraining a woman's sexuality, they treat their females as sex objects, only to be gazed upon and looked at with a lustful eye to the male sex, which is their target audience.

Objectification is treating a person, usually a woman, as an object. By being objectified, a person is denied agency. Sexual objectification is where a person is viewed primarily in terms of sexual appeal or as a source of sexual gratification. This is sometimes regarded as a form of sexism. Something Team Ninja does extremely well.

You have almost every female character rolling around on the beach in dental floss bikinis and fighting in a damn battle bikini, focusing more on their soft engine jiggle physics rather than actual gameplay patches and balances and how long this series will live. Female battle cries that sound like something straight out of hentai. Yes, because a woman in pain is so fucking attractive to listen to, have you paid attention to the fucking DLC they've released for the females? Fetish, after fetish, after fetish, after fetish outfits for all of them. Shake the controller to move them up and down, zoom in on their breasts and asses with our brand-new photo mode. lol none of this is sexist at all xoxo.

Nothing in DOA is some fucking super pro-feminist agenda anymore like this game was made by a creepy old Japanese man and is currently being run by even more creepy old Japanese men who decided that forcing this hypersexualized female body type is somehow ~normal~ and used the "We think our audience is intelligent enough to distinguish reality from fantasy." bullshit as an excuse to be even more sexist than they currently are.

I also know many women who are confident in their sexuality and bodies and that has nothing to do with anything related to the blatant sexism in this game.

Like I said in my earlier post, this game is fucking sexist, anyone with a brain who's capable enough to get their head out of the cloud of gigantic titties could see that. There's no defending it or denying it.


Well-Known Member
In short, no. It is a video game, a form of fantasy and entertainment. It is not real life, nor does it depict characters as such.

When it comes to "taking DOA seriously," again, it is a video game. It is nothing but a fantastic hobby.

Tom Lee said it brilliantly: "We think our audience is intelligent enough to distinguish reality from fantasy." - Paraphrasing.
But...that's not the point. I'm pretty sure no one thinks that DOA is real life. That's not really saying anything. Now, you can take it to the logical conclusion that because it is fantasy, they can do whatever the f--- they want with it. But, then some people are going to like where they go with it and some won't. And then we're back where we started.

He could definitely be wrong, though.
From the way I've seen some people obsess over some of the characters... Uh... lol

When it comes to DLC you disapprove of, do not buy it. Do not buy those beach clips if you do not agree with it. Do not buy costumes you disapprove of. You, as a consumer, have the highest authority when it comes to money. Keep in mind, you are not the only folk who love DOA. If TN keeps releasing sexy DLC, that obviously means that folk are buying said DLC. This implies that there is an overwhelming silent majority that votes with its wallet. This is the free marketplace at work.
That's the thing. I haven't bought it. The rub is (for me) is that I'm seldom being granted any opportunity to even buy something that I would actually want. They are, to run with your analogy, not giving me a frickin' vote ballot. Yay, free marketplace! But, hey, if they don't need or want my money then...they're not going to get it.

Now, I'm totally all for people just taking their money elsewhere if they don't like it. But, it becomes more complicated when there may be some aspects people like and some aspects that they don't. Such is life. People will point out what they're unhappy with and hopefully give praise for what they are happy with. I think those new ninja outfits are cool, for example. So, uh...more of that for the other characters, please. I will pay money for it (within reason, of course).


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
*sigh* Here we go

The only legitimate case for sexism in this game that I can see is against the guys. Most of them get jack of shit in regards to outfits and attention. Show dick some love dammit(Yes I mean cock physics).

Some of you may hate my guts for saying this but the idea of fictional characters objectifying women in the real world or otherwise is fucking stupid. So because a bunch of "old, creepy, pervy" Japanese men(lol) created some polygons on a computer screen that they found aesthetically pleasing then it must be malevolent or wrong? Or maybe, just maybe, they like to see young women in the most idealized form. Why is this such a big deal? Why do guys get shit for drawing/creating depictions of women that they want to see? That's in no way indicative of how well/poorly they treat women on a daily basis and/or how they interact with women in real life. To constantly insinuate that men are depraved assholes because they idealize women's beauty/sexuality in fiction is not only wrong but in my opinion is a few flavors of fucked up.

No one and I mean NO ONE does so much as bats an eyelash when women create fucked up depictions of men in the media that they consume(seriously go and read a romance novel, any romance novel) because it is assumed that its in a fantasy world and in that fantasy you are allowed to give no fucks.

Tell me why are so many people enforcing a double standard(against straight male preferences)? Why must I give a fuck about people complaining about double standards(against women) if they are going to turn right around and enforce them(against straight men) when they feel uncomfortable with something? You get what you give.

This wasn't responding directly towards anyone here but I have had this in my head for a while and wanted to vent about it.
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Well-Known Member
*sigh* Here we go

The only legitimate case for sexism in this game that I can see is against the guys. Most of them get jack of shit in regards to outfits and attention. Show dick some love dammit(Yes I mean cock physics).

Some of you may hate my guys for saying this but the idea of fictional characters objectifying women in the real world or otherwise is fucking stupid. So because a bunch of "old, creepy, pervy" Japanese men(lol) created some polygons on a computer screen that they found aesthetically pleasing then it must be malevolent or wrong? Or maybe, just maybe, they like to see young women in the most idealized form. Why is this such a big deal? Why do guys get shit for drawing/creating depictions of women that they want to see? That's in no way indicative of how well/poorly they treat women on a daily basis and/or how they interact with women in real life. To constantly insinuate that men are depraved assholes because they idealize women's beauty/sexuality in fiction is not only wrong but in my opinion is a few flavors of fucked up.

No one and I mean NO ONE does so much as bats an eyelash when women create fucked up depictions of men in the media that they consume(seriously go and read a romance novel, any romance novel) because it is assumed that its in a fantasy world and in that fantasy you are allowed to give no fucks.

Tell me why are so many people enforcing a double standard(against straight male preferences)? Why must I give a fuck about people complaining about double standards(against women) if they are going to turn right around and enforce them(against straight men) when they feel uncomfortable with something? You get what you give.

This wasn't responding directly towards anyone here but I have had this in my head for a while and wanted to vent about about it.
This is just me talking. Honestly, I thought that people kind of always recognized that romance fiction is usually dumb as all hell. Even women.

But, I think the reason we hear it so hard on the other side is because even if you say that this type of stuff doesn't influence the way that men treat seem to have a history of treating women kind of terribly socially and people are looking for ways to break the cycle, so to speak. Straight male sexuality is "demonized" because it turns out that women have much to actually fear from straight male sexuality. Hell, you can just look at any random college assault cover up story in the news recently. I can think of some American and British examples.

And, Japan..., yeah. Japan really does have issues with sexual assault and attitudes toward women (speaking as a Japanese resident and a first-hand witness, unfortunately). If there is an assault, basically there's a cover up or police not doing very much (unless it was exceptionally violent) just due to how the court system works. It leads to a chilling effect of no one reporting anything and... That kind of sounds like America, too, actually. But, I think that we (speaking as an American) are a tad further along just because of pressure from various feminist movements (even though "everyone" hates "feminists"). That's why it's especially disheartening for me when, for instance, certain *cough* Japanese devs meet criticism with "Oh, it's just our culture. You Westerners just don't understand."

Anyway, there are so many other things on this subject we can get into about testoterone and male aggression, and underreporting of male victims and dynamics in homosexual relationships, but...that's the gist of why the door doesn't usually swing the other way as hard when it comes to the "demonization of sexuality" thing. Now, is there an actual causal relationship between media depictions of women and how they're treated? ...Kind of. Everyone knows for sure that media influences society significantly. It's being continuously studied. Basically it all boils down to it's "a factor". But, it's a factor that can be overwritten by other decent influences.

That's why the argument always ends up resting at something along the lines of "It's fine to have some cheesecake depictions, but it's not fine if they are all that way or if those are always the most prominent." Or as I like to call it, "Always in moderation."

I can pull out the studies and articles and stuff, but ain't nobody got time for that, right? lol
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His Reverence

Papa Reverence, the Ayane Enthusiast.
Premium Donor
There's nothing with being sexy and strong. But DOA is a fighting game, of course the females are going to be strong. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense. Team Ninja has this "attractive women only titties only sorry lol oops we forgot these females had personalities" attitude that basically degrades every single one of their female characters.

That is their creative direction. That is DOA's motiff and always was. Out of all of us that do not mind the game's sexuality, Aero, which one of us considers these "degraded" characters as less-than? I argue that it is the opposite. Personality-wise, these characters have more depth than the males - a point made by Goarmagon. Funny, how one of the first posts in this thread was from an actual WOMAN that supported the game's direction.

And nothing in DOA is restraining a woman's sexuality, they treat their females as sex objects, only to be gazed upon and looked at with a lustful eye to the male sex, which is their target audience.

Males are the game's target audience. Your point is? EVERY piece of media has a target audience. I don't complain to COD developers about the airport scene that depicts Russians as murderers, or to every modern shooter that has Russians as the antagonist. I may love the mechanics of the game but not some of the story decisions. Do I bitch about it so that I may get my way? Of course not. I understand that the market allows me to purchase a game that appeals to me. (That being said, I don't give a fuck whether or not I shoot hundreds of my own people in a COD game. It's not real and I am not an infantile moron.)

It is actually YOU that are removing any other depth of the characters by stating that they exist "only to be gazed upon and looked at with a lustful eye." I am pretty sure that most of us, again, would disagree with that statement.

Objectification is treating a person, usually a woman, as an object. By being objectified, a person is denied agency. Sexual objectification is where a person is viewed primarily in terms of sexual appeal or as a source of sexual gratification. This is sometimes regarded as a form of sexism. Something Team Ninja does extremely well.

Calm down, Anita.

Fun fact, Aero. Say I am at the bar with my folks and I spot a very attractive girl. Or you, out and about and you spot someone you like. Let's be honest, the initial hook is looks. We are objectifying that other person for that moment. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Why? We may think initially of just the sexual possibilities but WE UNDERSTAND that there is always more depth to that individual than what the first impression made them out to be. Sexual "objectification" does not take away from a person's inevitable depth as a human being.
With your logic, EVERYONE is guilty of sexual objectification if they find someone attractive.

If you want to complain about real objectification of women, go do some ACTUAL activism for the women in middle Eastern countries.

You have almost every female character rolling around on the beach in dental floss bikinis and fighting in a damn battle bikini, focusing more on their soft engine jiggle physics rather than actual gameplay patches and balances and how long this series will live. Female battle cries that sound like something straight out of hentai. Yes, because a woman in pain is so fucking attractive to listen to, have you paid attention to the fucking DLC they've released for the females? Fetish, after fetish, after fetish, after fetish outfits for all of them. Shake the controller to move them up and down, zoom in on their breasts and asses with our brand-new photo mode. lol none of this is sexist at all xoxo.

Last time I checked, men make noises in this game when they get hit as well. Your point is?
In regards to DLC, again. You are not the target demographic, obviously. Don't buy the DLC. You DO have power as the consumer. Don't like what the game has or has not to offer? Do what a responsible consumer does and choose a fighter that DOES appeal to your tastes. You don't even have an argument in this section. It's all irrational, white-knighting emotion.

Nothing in DOA is some fucking super pro-feminist agenda anymore like this game was made by a creepy old Japanese man and is currently being run by even more creepy old Japanese men who decided that forcing this hypersexualized female body type is somehow ~normal~ and used the "We think our audience is intelligent enough to distinguish reality from fantasy." bullshit as an excuse to be even more sexist than they currently are.

This game was never "some fucking super pro-feminist agenda." You want a fighter with "normal" looking females? I can't help you with that. Only you can. Go play Virtua Fighter. That seems to be the only fighter for you, then. Even the women in VF aren't as "normal" as you'd like them to be. Do you prefer them to be obese or unattractive?

"We think our audience is intelligent enough to distinguish reality from fantasy." This is not a bullshit excuse. You have no argument here and you have no refutation. You do not know that these characters "normalize" their portrayal of women. Just like violence. Video games do not make people violent. Studies time and time again have supported this claim. So if games don't make you violent, why do they make you a misogynist? You made a baseless assertion and, in the words of the late Christopher Hitchens, "what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

I also know many women who are confident in their sexuality and bodies and that has nothing to do with anything related to the blatant sexism in this game.

Like I said in my earlier post, this game is fucking sexist, anyone with a brain who's capable enough to get their head out of the cloud of gigantic titties could see that. There's no defending it or denying it.

There is defending it or denying it. I just did. Saying that it is sexist doesn't make it sexist. I guess me and all the other supporters of the game's aesthetics, including women, are sexists.

I leave you with this beautiful video:

...and also, didn't you have an avatar once of a close-up of Ayane's face while she was getting banged? lol

...and to @werewolfgold ,

People can obsess over whatever characters they wish. It is never our business who jerks or flicks-the-bean to what.
That being said, I love the sexuality in the game but I've never jerked to DOA. I appreciate the aesthetics of the game and that's it.

...and the whole fantasy aspect, that is the point. If it's not the point then we can call into question ANY and EVERY video game for ANY and EVERY unreal portrayal - AKA my Call of Duty example.

It is a free market place. You may not have DLC that you like but you always have the option of whether or not to play THIS game. There is ALWAYS a choice - and it doesn't have to be a choice that you may necessarily like. That's life in a nutshell and you pointed this out in your post. Kudos to you.

I understand where you stand in this argument but you are at least approaching this discussion with reason.
Seriously, credit to you.

People seem to be fixated on causation.
- Do these games cause misogyny? Watch the Christina Hoff Summers video that I posted.
- Has misogyny existed BEFORE video games? ....Yeah.
- Does misogyny exist now? ...look at the middle east.

What is being done here is that DOA has become a scapegoat.
Just like Weed, Rock and Roll, Comics, D&D, and every other social deviation.

Ladies and gentlemen, I will not lie. My love for DOA began when I was younger. I was infatuated with the beautiful & sexy characters and the smooth gameplay. DOA has always been these 2 things. They CAN coexist.

If it was not for the sexuality aspect of it, I don't think I would be that infatuated with the game. I would probably not be here right now. (Many would like that, I assume. Ha.)
But here I am. I may be "casual" in some regards but I also know how to play the game and very keen on learning, something some of you do know.
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Well-Known Member
Is it just me or are all the people screaming "sexism" guys? Most of the girls I know who've seen DOA like the character designs. At any rate its just a video game, and if you don't like it no one is shoving it down your throat. The devs at TN are obviously very passionate about sexy ladies in their games and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lady Tengu

Well-Known Member
It's a game! Calm your Tits! Lol I don't see the problem with it I don't see girls parading around in skimpy cloths any wear but at cosplay conventions and beaches. Who cares if a girl moans and groans during a game that you get smacked upside the head in. Seriously like what is so bad people aren't inspired to be a purple haired ninja with a rack on her. You can go on all day about oh costumes are to skimpy oh they moan to much blah blah blah as long as I don't see people in the streets of the public wearing Santa costumes, Bikinis, Or nothing but a bunch of jewels on a piece of string I'm fine. Just know this is just a game this is only to make money if you don't like it don't buy it simple. And if any of you here got a bikini or other "Skimpy Costumes" with your own money you're a Hypocrite. You put more fuel in the fire that you people are so desperately trying to put out.


Active Member
View attachment 8140
And nothing in DOA is restraining a woman's sexuality, they treat their females as sex objects, only to be gazed upon and looked at with a lustful eye to the male sex, which is their target audience.

Objectification is treating a person, usually a woman, as an object. By being objectified, a person is denied agency. Sexual objectification is where a person is viewed primarily in terms of sexual appeal or as a source of sexual gratification. This is sometimes regarded as a form of sexism. Something Team Ninja does extremely well.


Had a blast reading this. But come on, now.. women themselves are becoming the BIGGEST perpetrators of sexualization and objectification in media these days. I can't even scroll down my Facebook wall for a day without some girl I may or may not know showing off their cleavage or their thong showing above their yoga pants. Magazines, Social Media sites, posters, you name it. And these women have a choice in this matter and it's all over and still being produced today; by women. Where's the movement to stop a real world blight like that? Shit like this perplexes me. Believe me though, I hear you. They definitely can focus on better things, but this "objectifying women" is a load of bullshit and a weak argument in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or are all the people screaming "sexism" guys? Most of the girls I know who've seen DOA like the character designs. At any rate its just a video game, and if you don't like it no one is shoving it down your throat. The devs at TN are obviously very passionate about sexy ladies in their games and I wouldn't have it any other way.
My female house mate would actually only play with the girls in bikinis, in fact her favourite outfit was Helena in her seashell bikini. So clearly not all women are offended by the skimpy outfits, in some cases they actually find them appealing.

Doa may objectify it's female characters, but once again, IT'S FANTASY! Go watch a film like Sin City, wherein all the females are prostitutes/strippers and all the males are criminals. That is far more sexist then anything in doa (I don't recall any of the doa girls selling themselves on the streets) yet nobody is bothered at all because most people recognise that it's just a film in a fantasy setting.
Games though, seem to be held to a different standard, where even showing too much leg will get some certain communities on the net all riled up. Not to mention that nobody gives two shits about the fact that the characters beat the hell out of each other in some pretty over the top violent manners. Nope a bit of skin is clearly so much more damaging to society. Some people just need to get their priorities straight.


Active Member
That is their creative direction. That is DOA's motiff and always was. Out of all of us that do not mind the game's sexuality, Aero, which one of us considers these "degraded" characters as less-than? I argue that it is the opposite. Personality-wise, these characters have more depth than the males - a point made by Goarmagon. Funny, how one of the first posts in this thread was from an actual WOMAN that supported the game's direction.

Males are the game's target audience. Your point is? EVERY piece of media has a target audience. I don't complain to COD developers about the airport scene that depicts Russians as murderers, or to every modern shooter that has Russians as the antagonist. I may love the mechanics of the game but not some of the story decisions. Do I bitch about it so that I may get my way? Of course not. I understand that the market allows me to purchase a game that appeals to me. (That being said, I don't give a fuck whether or not I shoot hundreds of my own people in a COD game. It's not real and I am not an infantile moron.)

It is actually YOU that are removing any other depth of the characters by stating that they exist "only to be gazed upon and looked at with a lustful eye." I am pretty sure that most of us, again, would disagree with that statement.


Calm down, Anita.

Fun fact, Aero. Say I am at the bar with my folks and I spot a very attractive girl. Or you, out and about and you spot someone you like. Let's be honest, the initial hook is looks. We are objectifying that other person for that moment. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Why? We may think initially of just the sexual possibilities but WE UNDERSTAND that there is always more depth to that individual than what the first impression made them out to be. Sexual "objectification" does not take away from a person's inevitable depth as a human being.
With your logic, EVERYONE is guilty of sexual objectification if they find someone attractive.

If you want to complain about real objectification of women, go do some ACTUAL activism for the women in middle Eastern countries.

Last time I checked, men make noises in this game when they get hit as well. Your point is?
In regards to DLC, again. You are not the target demographic, obviously. Don't buy the DLC. You DO have power as the consumer. Don't like what the game has or has not to offer? Do what a responsible consumer does and choose a fighter that DOES appeal to your tastes. You don't even have an argument in this section. It's all irrational, white-knighting emotion.

This game was never "some fucking super pro-feminist agenda." You want a fighter with "normal" looking females? I can't help you with that. Only you can. Go play Virtua Fighter. That seems to be the only fighter for you, then. Even the women in VF aren't as "normal" as you'd like them to be. Do you prefer them to be obese or unattractive?

"We think our audience is intelligent enough to distinguish reality from fantasy." This is not a bullshit excuse. You have no argument here and you have no refutation. You do not know that these characters "normalize" their portrayal of women. Just like violence. Video games do not make people violent. Studies time and time again have supported this claim. So if games don't make you violent, why do they make you a misogynist? You made a baseless assertion and, in the words of the late Christopher Hitchens, "what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

There is defending it or denying it. I just did. Saying that it is sexist doesn't make it sexist. I guess me and all the other supporters of the game's aesthetics, including women, are sexists.

I leave you with this beautiful video:

...and also, didn't you have an avatar once of a close-up of Ayane's face while she was getting banged? lol

...and to @werewolfgold ,

People can obsess over whatever characters they wish. It is never our business who jerks or flicks-the-bean to what.
That being said, I love the sexuality in the game but I've never jerked to DOA. I appreciate the aesthetics of the game and that's it.

...and the whole fantasy aspect, that is the point. If it's not the point then we can call into question ANY and EVERY video game for ANY and EVERY unreal portrayal - AKA my Call of Duty example.

It is a free market place. You may not have DLC that you like but you always have the option of whether or not to play THIS game. There is ALWAYS a choice - and it doesn't have to be a choice that you may necessarily like. That's life in a nutshell and you pointed this out in your post. Kudos to you.

I understand where you stand in this argument but you are at least approaching this discussion with reason.
Seriously, credit to you.

People seem to be fixated on causation.
- Do these games cause misogyny? Watch the Christina Hoff Summers video that I posted.
- Has misogyny existed BEFORE video games? ....Yeah.
- Does misogyny exist now? ...look at the middle east.

What is being done here is that DOA has become a scapegoat.
Just like Weed, Rock and Roll, Comics, D&D, and every other social deviation.

Ladies and gentlemen, I will not lie. My love for DOA began when I was younger. I was infatuated with the beautiful & sexy characters and the smooth gameplay. DOA has always been these 2 things. They CAN coexist.

If it was not for the sexuality aspect of it, I don't think I would be that infatuated with the game. I would probably not be here right now. (Many would like that, I assume. Ha.)
But here I am. I may be "casual" in some regards but I also know how to play the game and very keen on learning, something some of you do know.

Sorry for double-post, but I agree with everything he's said. Worth a read many times over. I actually want to delete my last reply.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I don't think werewolfgod started the topic thinking about sexism, but too much sexualization, which are two different things.
They did a good post on page 2 (or was it 3?) on the matter.

If I had to throw my 2 cents on the matter:

I like DOA' sexiness. There are very few DOA girls I dislike (mostly for personality reason!), and their proportions never, ever bothered me. Tina makes me smile a lot, she is my favorite girl. You get the idea.

But sadly, I don't like when sexiness is done with bad taste, or when outfits are out of character (see giftwrapped Helena, it's a travesty), or when it's overall done too much: DOA5U is doing this. Characters are getting ugly outfits that don't fit them, lazy designs (not beautiful at all), et cetera...

An example, back to Helena: I think she is extremely sensual, beautiful, she is a great character and brings fanservice with elegance, style, grace... you'd expect her to wear something akin to her personality, no?? Like her Genie outfit or something...

BUT THEN... she gets fetish PE outfits?? She gets GIFTWRAPS?? A MEIDO OUTFIT?!
This feels like bad taste, it feels like a low-level japanese softcore porno! I surely don't feel offended (there are much worse things to be offended at lol), and I surely won't buy those outfits, but I feel... disappointed. Because I like these characters and seeing fanart-content in the actual game makes my eyes roll and my arms fall, because the time spent making these copypastas could've been used for sexy outfits that actually look good, purchasable and akin to a character's own tastes.

Imagine if Hayabusa got treated the same way. Imagine if he got fetish PE uniforms and the like, and no, not in fanart, in the game: wouldn't most of you actually feel something in your stomach... "He'd never wear that!"? I'm sure the fanboys (and girls) would have something against it, because this is betraying a character's personality for the sake of money.
Sure, it'd feel like a different situation, because it'd mark the first time in a fighting game where the boys are as sexualized as much as the girls (don't show to me JoJo Bizzarre Adventure because it's not the same thing), but I'm not sure if it'd be better.

However, there is something I must point: the reason for this overdone, bland, OOC sexiness is to actually KEEP THE GAME ALIVE and bring money to the dev team... :( it's a matter that really splits me in two.
A part of me is okay with it, because I want TN to have enough money to give us an amazing gaming experience with DOA6, but the other is sure it will only ruin the reputation and feeling of the game: I have a friend who only says "Ah, it's the game with the jiggly boobs!", and another friend of mine felt offended at Rachel (that's just stupid though... :rolleyes: Rachel is awesome...:cool:).

Also... not many around here seem to understand Japanese mentality, culture and how it ends up buying millions of badly done sexy dlc. You might think this is sexual liberation and cool things, yay freedom, but IT'S NOT. It's actually the product of a population that has the lowest birth-rate in the world, consumes a lot of pornography, while also not having any sex. There is a reason why TN pushes the sexuality of the game SO MUCH in the Japanese commercials...
This is not sexual liberation, this is not being open about sex without feeling guilty, ashamed, etc, this is titillation and escapism, nothing more.


Well-Known Member
I just want nice costumes, i don't care if they're "sexy" but if they're nice that's good. I really like nyo-tengu's chenogasm(spelled that wrong don't come at me crimsonwarrior) because it's a nice costume it's sexy and the fan is a nice touch.

When this game starts getting better costumes and more inclusive toward the males, this topic will slowly disintegrate.

Another reason about "the lack of personality" has to do with the writers, get better writers also.

You can all go along your merry way now.


Active Member
I just want nice costumes, i don't care if they're "sexy" but if they're nice that's good. I really like nyo-tengu's chenogasm(spelled that wrong don't come at me crimsonwarrior) because it's a nice costume it's sexy and the fan is a nice touch.

When this game starts getting better costumes and more inclusive toward the males, this topic will slowly disintegrate.

Another reason about "the lack of personality" has to do with the writers, get better writers also.

You can all go along your merry way now.
Might be just me, but the characters has more than enough personality. Probably because I've followed them since the first games and know what they are all about. People say the same thing about some of the Tekken characters, but once you get to know and understand them, you can see why people love them.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The female characters are part of the reason why I got into DOA in the first place. I thought DOA1 era Leifang was sexy as fuck with her edgy hairstyle and black leather suit. Then Ayane's purple hair spinned into my life and I've loved her ever since. Sex appeal is a mainstay in the series and while some of the costumes are questionable, we need to remember that they are just costumes after all. Nobody in real life would wear some of the costumes in the game in an actual fight, but then again, this is just a video game. Let the females of DOA continue to be strong, sassy, ass kicking females who just happen to be beautiful and well endowed in the bust area. Or in Marie Rose's case, just adorable as all get out.