Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • I have 49$ worth of store credit at my local videogame retailer I wanna use for doa6, but I also want the digital preorder bonus character nyotengu, what's a camel to do!?
    Yeah, like FoN said, I'm pretty sure only Phase 4 is exclusive to the deluxe digital version. Frankly I don't even want the dumb bitch, but it's annoying that I can't even lab the character to learn the MU if I get a physical copy.
    KOF14 might be the only game I know that allows you to hit training mode against characters you never bought. Only downside is obviously you can't use them in versus nor online because the player never bought the character(s), but still pretty cool to test characters to check if you want to buy them or not.
    That is a pretty awesome thing in KOF14, though on the brightside, I doubt Phase-4 will be tournament legal; being stuck behind a "more expensive than buying the game normally" paywall.
    It is super refreshing to play characters you have 0 attachment to
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    No pride, identity, or being super deep into a characters' meta keeping you stubborn, stagnant, or stale. Approaching new characters with a fresh mind and out of the box solutions is the best
    I agree with the fresh feeling of a new char. And also i agree with the frustating sensation of stalemate with my main. but i can't stay long with a new char. after a month or so i'm bored. But at least i can come back to my main with new ideas. I notice also that after a break from this game, new ideas are so obvious.
    Dead or School looks dope but every time I hear the name it sounds like some fanfic set in a high school AU of DOA, ugh...
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    Oh god I hate high school AUs especially if majority of the cast are 18+ it's just so strange. Even some of the college/uni AUs have some 'high school' vibes to them.
    Practicing combos on "fastest" stagger escape setting when that shit is gonna be irrelevant in less than a month lol
    Exactly yeah. If anything, hit up the lab in DOA5 and just set the stagger to "Fast" since that's the actual stun reduction for DOA6.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I normally practice on fast since no human being I know can do fastest (maybe sum stick players), but sometimes you gotta make 100% sure that there is no escape, or should I say no STAGGER ESCAPE! ( ba-dum-tish)
    7 years of DOA5 and i never learned how to fight against Akira, Leon, Jacky, Naotora, and Sarah, but they're all gone in DOA6 so it's all good I guess? :/
    might just end up importing Arcana Blood at this rate, cause a US release is looking mad unlikely (does any1 even know what Million Arthur is in america?)
    I have it! It's fucking amazing.. It's probably not coming over to the US. If you wanna play when you get it, I'm down! PSN is Dabluprint4
    you pop off when you beat my character that i've been using for a day, but then RQ after i mop up that Lisa that you think is hot shit? this is why i can't stand "high level" online players
    Which "high level" player was this?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    man, i don't wanna put names out there, but i'll just say that homie is ranked topaz and has a real stank attitude
    That doesn't mean anything to someone who doesn't play on XBL.
    If he really has a stank attitude, who cares if you offend him? Name drop! Name drop!
    I can't block standing overheads to save my life xc
    Which game.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Most 2D games, only exceptions I can think of where this isnt such a large problem are NRS games (you can react and fuzzy gaurd out of most low/overhead mix up scenarios) and air dashers (just chicken block that shit)
    I stopped at 3rd Strike and haven't kept up with 2D after that. I can't speak for NRS games but I believe you.
    would literally anyone complain if DOA adopted some kind of lockout mechanic like Killer Instinct? (i.e if you're stunned and you guess wrong on your counter you're prohibited from countering for 3 seconds)
    I've actually proposed a similar mechanic before. Mine, however, would limit the player to 1 hold attempt per critical stun. I don't believe you should be locked out from hold attempts in neutral, however.
    Yeah, it's called Critical Burst. lol That's the closest to that imo It's painful to some people that they can't mash hold like past DoAs. Especially when you finally recognize where the attack is coming from. Makes it more tactical. Almost concerned with how much holding is in DoA6. You saw Taipei? They were pre grabbing because they presumed they would hold waaay more.
    No. DOA6's stun threshold is already short and hi-counter throws are looking to induce 200% damage. I am however open to the notion of holds costing meter (along with Break Holds of course).
    Everytime i have the audacity to use a mid that's not true with Bass, ppl just go under that $hit :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    @Radiance whole 4p string just whiffs on brad in lying stance, 6p can hit but he has to be really close, and in some cases it doesn't hit at all (i think it's some open/close stance shenanigans), his other mids can hit him just fine though (3p, 6k, 7k, etc)
    Did you know some characters can literally crouch under Kasumi’s 6K
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah, her 6k hits pretty high, shame cause it's mid, tracking, fast, and has follows up, but it can't hit shit lol
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